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Bella's POV

Its finally the end of the day which means detention. Woohoo... Sarcasm.

I see Kasey at my locker. She has a small sad smile on her face.

Me being the awesome friend I am ask her what's wrong

"Jones is going to be there" I freeze

"What? Why?" I say

"dunno" Kasey said.

I grab everything I need and put away my books and start to walk to detention.

I see the sign DETENTION on the door. Do a little small smile at Kas and walk in.

"Hello Kenzie and Kasey, your hour starts now. Nobody talk" Mr Whatever his name is says and walks out of the room.

Adrian's POV

All three of us are in detention. We are waiting for the girls. Seriously they better show up. The door slowly opens and reveals the two girls. Casen nudges me and I nod.

"Hello Kenzie and Kasey, your hour starts now. Nobody talk" He said glancing at everyone before walking out of the room.

So her name is Kenzie and the friend is Kasey. I grab out my phone and go on the group convo.

I write 'the friends name is kasey. What about the other girl? He last name is Mackenzie so why did the teacher call her Kenzie. Its not like her name is Kenzie Mackenzie?! - dre' I press send once I've done that.

I see the boys take out their phone.

Casen sent through a message. I read it 'Her name is Kasey Crawford and the girl we are interested in is apparently Mackenzie. I don't know her first name though-casen.'


'I'll ask though-casen'

'k' I sent

Casen clears his throat "Sooo" He drawls out

all of us turn to him including the girls. I take this time to examine the girl that's in my head through out the whole entire day. Dark brown hair brown eyes. My thoughts are cut off by Casen who continues.

"What are your names my lovelies" Me and Shane scoff. Lovelies... seriously

Kasey looks like she's going first. "I'm Ka- owww" She says rubbing her foot where Mackenzie kicked her. She looks over at Mackenzie like she's waiting for an explanation. Mackenzie shook her head as in a no. no for what? It looks like realisation crossed over her face. She nods like in understanding. "I'm Kasey and this is Mackenzie who likes to be called Kenzie" She smiles. Obviously a fake one.

I decide to question them "In English the teacher called you Miss Mackenzie?"

"And?" Kenzie said. Gee this girl is difficult
"don't worry. What's your first name?" I ask

"Kenzie Mackenzie whatever!" She said. Kasey nudged kenzie they both tensed.

"What's your sure name?" I ask pushing it further to see what her first name is

"Shell" She said.

"oh" Is all I can say. Its like Carson knows that I'm trying to think of a question. Like he is the smart one of us.

"So Kenzie" He starts both girls look at him waiting for him to continue "how old are you?" he asks innocently

"17 you?"

"17, 18 in a few months" He replies easily

"Who wants to play twenty questions?" Shane asks. This conversation is so awkward.

"Alright we are in!" both girls and of course us four boys are in

"who wants to start?" Kenzie asks

"I will" Casen said

"Alright" Kasey said

"Kenzie, Why were you in Adrian's house?"

A/N: cliff hanger....

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