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Adrian's POV

Spencer told me he was but broke it off. Like hell I believe that.

"I'm going to tell mum!" I say smirking I see him visibly gulp. "Unless I get a worthy answer from you" I say now grinning.

"Yes. Just please don't tell her. I don't want to see her go too!" He practically begs me.

"Yeah yeah. So tell me what is Bella hiding from us. I'm sick of seeing her brake down every single day at school?" I lie. Yes me lying to this girls father. Ironic huh.

"She's oh my god braking down. My baby girl. I knew she couldn't handle it by her self" he cries. Like literally tears falling out of his eyes. When I can tell he's not faking it my eyes widen. I grab put my phone and Sui key text as fast as I can without him seeing.

'It must be really bad if he's crying like this!- Dre' I text Shane.

His phone dings he takes it out and nods at me still shocked as I am.

"Spencer are you alright. Tell me what's going on." I practically demand.

"S-She was b-born very unhealthy. She was really s-smart. W-when she entered g-grade school s-she was at a y-year 7 smartness. w-we always thought she was j-just that smart b-but one n-night t-the whole f-family had a fight, she glared at the window trying to a-avoid looking at us and the window shattered. E-ever since than we f-found out she was a v-vampire and t-the ones you k-know with the really bad anger" he sobbed. I was stood shocked. Standing there shocked.jaw on the floor wide eyed. She's a vampire? Wow.

"Oh my gosh" Shane said, same reaction as me.

I couldn't even speak. I just didn't want to dig myself further into the mess I created so I decided to comfort Spencer.

"s-she can't c-control it. o-once we had a c-call from the school because she broke a t-table..." He trailed of. He started to stop crying. "Oh my gosh I'm such a mess" he laughed. "I trust you both not to tell anyone." We both nodded.

"But Spencer how did she get it?" I asked him.

"My father was a vampire I guessed it skipped the gene, basically it's int he genetics," he said.

"Okay..." I said not knowing what to say.

"Well after that episode. I can tell you both please just keep an eye on her and don't tell her that you know she'll burst out and you DONT want to see that, anyway I'm going to bed Marie's on night duty at the hospital. Good night boys." He said walking off.

I turned to Shane. "Is this real?" I ask him


"C,on lets just sleep. We'll talk bout it in the morning" I say to Shane. He nods.


We both wake up, do the usual and head into school. I see Bella walking in with Kasey. We walk up to them but keeping a little distance.

"Bella, shit crap. Angela is looking at us. Fuck not again" Kasey says to Bella really quick. She freezes. And mumbles something back. I didn't quite catch it.

"Cambella" Angela yells.

"Far out" Bella says to Kasey,

"Remember calm down otherwise your fangs are going to come out and your going to claw it!" She says. Bell nods trying to keep her breathing steady. I turn to Shane and ask him about the fangs.

"Vampires have got them. If they get angry they come out and claws. They can destroy something very quickly if her mind is angry" Shane spoke. I nod.

"Cambella!" Angela Yells again

"Who's Campbella?" I ask Shane. He shurgs.

"What do you want Angela?" Bella said impatiently. It's not like she has anywhere to go.

"I want you to do my homework!" Angela said with a fake smile. Bellas hand goes down to her leg Where her shorts finish. I see they have created a bit of a crowd. Like how big it would be if there was a fight.

"Calm down Bella!" Kasey says as she walks backwards out of Bellas distance.

"Kasey come here!" I say. She nods and makes her way over.

"Do you know about Bella?" She asks me still watching Bella.

"Yeah about the vampire." I say. Kasey sighs.

"Yeah" she said. "This isn't going to end well" she said almost on the verge of tears.

"How do you know?" Shane asks. She comes and stands in between me and Shane.

" look at her hands. Her claws are coming out" she said

I glance at Shane worriedly. His expression mirrored mine.

"But how do you know that she'll actual,y do something in front of everyone?" I ask.

"Vampires have no control. She tries her absolute best to control it but sometimes she can't. And speaking of in front of everyone we need to get everyone out of here. Like seriously right now!" She said starting to panic.She moves away shooing people to mind there own business.

"DONT MOVE ANYONE. BELLA, LETS SEE IF YOU CAN FIGHT ME. OR IS YOUR FRIEND OVER THERE SCARED FOR YOUR SAFETY. IS THAT WHY SHES GETTING EVERYONE TO MOVE AWAY?" Angela yells. Bella however, leans against the lockers in the hall not even looking frightened.

Everyone starts to crowd around again.

Angela punches Bella in the face, blood starts to come out of her nose. Ange smirks in victory. But it fades when Bella still doesn't move. Just stands there looking angry as hell.

"Why aren't you crying or something?" Ange screeches.

"You don't want to mess with me Angela " Bella says her voice rising.

"Oh my god. Bells no." Kasey yells.

"What's going to happen kas?" I ask worriedly steal a glance of Shane and look back at Bella.

"She's going to kill her!" Kasey said. My jaws falls and my eyes widen. I look at Shane in shock and to see his expression the EXACT same as mine.

"You'll go what?" Angela smirks.

"YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW WHAT IM CAPABLE OF!" Bella yells. Her claws starting to draw blood on her skin fro. Where she was gripping.


Jesus my ears.

"Ok. I'll show you" Bella grins showing all her teeth, I gasp seeing her fangs.

I'm pretty sure Angela saw it too because her eyes widened. Bella brought up her hand showed Angela it. Punched her clawed her until she passed out. She got up looked at Kasey and nudged her head towards an almost dead Angela. The crowd was silent. Kasey ran towards her being careful not to touch her hands and pulled her away. Shane and I glanced at each other and followed her. I got a glimpse of Bellas face and it was eye angry and her eyes that are a normal light blue sparkly colour were now black.

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