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Bella's POV

"Mackenzie homework" Oh shit! What am I supposed to say. Gee.

"I left it at home?" I say back. It sounds more like a question not a statement. Ugh!!

"Detention after school Bella"

"But Sir please, I'll- ughh!!!" I say sitting back at my desk. I hear Adrian snicker a laugh behind me. As much as I'd like to rip out his throat I can't. Ever since I found out my dad left me to go to Adrian's family my world has come crashing down. Nothing good has happened. My mum got in a car accident and died so now I live with my Aunt and best friend Kasey.

How rude of myself I didn't even introduce myself. Well I'm Cambella Mackenzie but I tell people my name is Bella Mackenzie. I don't dare let myself be teased. What sort of parents would give a child that name . Yeah I used to be teased. A lot of teachers know not to call me that because I'd have a go at them if they do. I've got a secret that nobody knows accept for my Dad, Kasey and I. Suddenly all of my thoughts are cut off by the bell signalling the end of class. At least now its lunch.

I walk out of class towards my locker.

"Bellaaaaaa" I turn around to the source of the voice and see Kasey running towards me engulfing me in a massive bear hug. "I got a detention for continuously talking to Tyler during Biology. My detention is after school" Kasey spoke with a little sadness in her voice.

"Awesome. Don't worry at least we got a detention together" I see her face light up. I know she's about to ask me how, when, why, and all the details by her opening and closing her mouth continuously. "i forgot to do my homework"

"Thank god. So any news from your weekend" Kasey asks me. Yeah, I found out my Dad is Adrian's step-father. But like hell I'd tell her that.

Actually change off plan. What if something happens and I'm at their place or something.

"Umm yeah actually" I say and pull her into an empty classroom

"What's the matter?" Kasey asks me fully concerned. That's one the things I love about her.

"My Dad!"I say starting to sob, Kasey pulls me into a hug and I just cry on her shoulder.

"Whats he done?!" She aks full on serious

"Adrian" I say

"What about Adrian?"

"Adrian's step-father is my dad!" I cry out

"Oh dear lord, is that why you've been so on edge when you in his class?" She asks me. I nod in reply not letting my voice speak

"When I was leaving Adrian's, I bumped into him. He knows something is up. All English class he has been staring at me like non stop its creepy. It's like he's trying to figure me out!" I say

"It'll be alright. Just keep a guard up all the time. NO ONE is going to find out" Kasey said.

Adrian's POV

When this girl bumped into me at my own home. It's not like she knew anyone was here. And she surely shouldn't have been looking for me. She looked awfully familiar like this girl at school.

I stared at her all English class and laughed when she didn't do her homework. The teachers know I never do it so they don't bother even asking me. Some teachers ask me for it if it was for like an assignment coming or something but that's about it.

I told the guys about her. My best mate Shane said she looked familiar same with the others. In our group we have 4 of us trouble makers.4 boys that the teachers have to put up with. Me being Adrian Jones, my best mate Shane Wilson, Casen Woods and Erin Leaver. We have decided to follow this girl everywhere to find out what she was doing in my house. Like seriously who the hell thinks they can just waltz into my family's house and leave. Plus to add to it she was crying on the way out. And she did not talk to me like who the hell does she think she is going into my home and ignoring me.

I see this girl that name is apparently someone Mackenzie. Still doesn't ring any bells. They guys didn't know of anyone called someone Mackenzie either. We hear some chatter in the classroom so we listen more carefully to each and every word this girl Mackenzie has said.

"Oh dear lord is that why you've been so on edge when your in his class?" This Mackenzie friend said. Hmm fascinating. Wonder who this is about. I exchange a weird look with the boys.

"When I was leaving Adrian's I bumped into him, He knows something is up. All English he has been staring at me non stop. Its creepy. Its like he's trying to figure me out." This Mackenzie girl said. She's right I am trying to figure her out. And I definitely think something is up.

"Its alright. Just keep a guard up all the time. NO ONE is going to find out!" This friend said.

I start to walk off into the cafeteria with the boys hot on my heels.

We sit down at our usual table.

"What the hell was that about?" Casen asked.

"I have no idea. What did she mean by no one is ever going to find out. Find out what? And heck my name was used in it. It includes me and my house. Oh god my poor home" I say sounding like a girl with the way I said the last part.

"I don't know either. It definitely includes you. AND YOUR HOME. Has it got something to do with your family? Is anything fishy going on at home or anything unusual Aid? Shane asks me

"Not that I think. Its only different because of my step-father and my bio dad" Shane raises his eyebrows like its that. But how?

"What do you mean?" I ask Shane

"Your step-father, where did he come from? Lets work on finding that out first. And grab a book and write down every single piece of information anybody gets and put it in the book. Its like a puzzle. We need the pieces. We will slowly start to put the puzzle together. First we should find out the girls names." Shane spoke.

"Alright. I'll try to find out Mackenzie's first name" I say

"This dude Tyler is in my Biology class. He talks with Mackenzie's friend a lot. She even got a detention this afternoon for talking to much" Casen said.

"Mackenzie got a detention as well. I guess we will see them there!" I say with a smirk on my face.

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