Chapter 7: The Big Question

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We finally got to California and work immediately began. Cars and toolboxes were moved into the garage and everyone spread out to get the track ready for the weekend.

"Have you seen Chase?" I asked Kyle and Dale.

"He is helping his crew get the garage set up." Dale pointed to the open garage doors.

I walk in and see mayhem as always. Tools are getting set. Cars are already up on jacks. I see the NAPA 9 down at the end and Chase is looking at his car puzzled. I walk down and act like I'm doing something important.

"Everything set up?" I ask Chase's crew chief.

"Yea the car is just having issues but we will be good by tomorrow." Chase smiled.

I walked out of the garage and headed to see what progress was being made in the plaza. About halfway there I heard someone calling my name. I turn around to a very sweaty Chase.

"I have been calling you for the past 3 minutes." He said catching his breath.

"Sorry." I said feeling butterflies.

"What's wrong Hunter?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." I lied.

"What are you doing now?" He asked.

"Going to have lunch and check on the plaza." I stated.

"I'll come. We need to talk." Chase said heading towards the plaza.

We walked the rest of the way to the plaza and to a food stand that was leaking the wonderful smell of hot dogs. Chase and I each bought one and sat down at a table.

"So let's talk." Chase said wiping his hands on a napkin.

"About what?" I asked trying to stall. I pulled at the sleeve of my jacket. Chase was getting ready to tell me he doesn't feel the way I do. I braced myself.

"I really like you." He blurted.

"I understand. Wait what?" I was seriously confused.

"Since the beginning of season I have always had interest in you and I was hoping we could give each other a chance?" Chase said grabbing my hand.

At this point I didn't know whether to cry or smile. So I did both.

"I really like you too." I said wiping a tear.

"Well then Hunter Blue will you be my girlfriend?" Chase asked grabbing my other hand.

"Yes Chase Elliott." I giggled.

We both got up and walked hand in hand and headed back to the garage. we laughed until I saw Joey looking around frantically.

"Joey what's wrong?" I said running up and tapping his shoulder. I could tell when he turned around there was something wrong.

"We gotta get to the hospital. Your mom is getting worse." He said escorting me to a van where Connor was already sitting. Connor was as pale as a ghost.

I looked back Chase and he held his phone up and as soon as we started driving I got a text.

"Everything is going to be fine. I will meet you there in an hour." He typed leaving a heart emoji.


Hello Readers!

I am sorry I'm updating so late! I'm also sorry that this chapter is short. But I am getting really good feedback from you guys! I'm super excited that you are liking the story. So for the next week if you have a question about me or the story or just wanna ask a random question comment it on this chapter and I will answer as soon as I can :)

But anyway, Chase really scared Hunter huh? What has been your favorite part so far? Let me know ;)

- Megan

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