Chapter 19: This Life

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Wednesday night we had made it to New Hampshire and everyone was settled in. We had pajama night because Brittany was finally out for a race. Connor and I sat in Joey's hauler eating dinner with Joey and Brittany. It was always nice having Brittany at the races. It was another girl around and it was nice because it was the one time I got to act like a girl and have a sister plus she makes food which means we didn't have to order in or eat track food.

"So how has the season been for you guys? Anything new?" Brittany asked taking a bite of lasagna.

"Hunter got a boyfriend." Connor blurted out.

"Connor." I hissed.

"What? Who?" Brittany turned into a school girl wanting the latest gossip.

"Chase Elliott. I'm surprised it wasn't plastered on" I said taking a bite.

"Wait the driver of the number 9 in Nationwide? Bill Elliott's son? The rookie? That Chase Elliott?" Brittany smiled.

"Yea. It'll be 4 months in a few days." I nodded. To be honest I was surprised Joey hadn't told her.

"Well tomorrow we will have girls day and you can tell me all about it." Brittany said smiling at me.

We finished dinner and watched a movie together. It was quality family time I had missed. At about 11:00 Joey took me and Connor home. Joey carried me on his back and Connor trudged along. I started dozing off as we got home.

"Alright guys see you tomorrow ok?" Joey asked putting me down on my bed.

"Thanks Joey and thank Brittany for the amazing lasagna." I said giving him a huge hug.

"Anytime guys. Sleep well." Joey said locking the door and heading out.


Brittany and I drove back into New Hampshire Speedway in a taxi. We had gone out to get our nails done and get lunch. It was so nice to have her back.

"So what are you doing on this beautiful Thursday afternoon?" Brittany asked as she shut the cab door and climbed into my cart.

"I have an interviewer coming at 4:30 and then Connor and I are going to Dylan's hauler for some hangout time." I said heading into the plaza.

"Sounds fun.What is the interview about?" She asked.

"About the races this weekend and my job and what I do." I said making a left into the track.

"Fun. Anytime with Chase planned?" Brittany smiled.

"He should be at Dylan's." I answered.

I dropped Brittany off and then headed to my hauler to get ready for my interview.

"Hey Hunter." Connor yelled as I finished my make up.

"Hey where have you been?" I said poking my head out of the bathroom.

"Skateboarding with Dylan and Ty." He said throwing his board in his trunk then grabbing a band aid for his cut up elbow.

"What happened?" I asked referring to his elbow.

"I fell and just incase your wondering it is very hard to skate up the bank of the track." He said grabbing a water.

I smiled and headed to my closet to pick an outfit. I finally picked a pale pink tank top that had rhinestones on the straps and khaki shorts.

"Where is your interview?" Connor said changing his shirt.

"Somewhere outside. I think by the gates." I said pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

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