S1E4 - Grandma

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Written 14/10/19

'Cereal, cartoons, pyjamas' Joey said as he sat between DJ and Steph on the sofa and I walked down the stairs 'this is why God created Saturdays'

I walked behind the sofa and into the kitchen, wiping my red puffy eyes.

'Woah it's howdy dirty time' dad said as he and Joey walked into the kitchen and saw pots and pans overflowing the dishwashers and counter tops 'hey what's the matter sweetheart?'

'Nothing' I sniffed and shook my head as I played with my cereal at the table but didn't eat it

'Spill' Joey said as they came and sat next to me either side

'I'm fine, me and Josh just had another fight and broke up again yesterday evening' I said as tears filled my eyes

'Aww honey' dad cooed as he and Joey hugged me 'you'll be back together again in no time, what was it about this time?'

'I don't even know, things just spiral when we argue' I wiped some stray tears 'why are we like this?'

'Being parents is really hard, especially because you're both so young' dad reasoned 'sometimes that puts a strain on your relationship but you love eachother so much, I know you'll be fine in the end'

'I hope you're right' I glanced up at him with a small smile

'I always am' dad nodded 'dads know everything'

'Sure dad' I laughed as I stood up and tried to find somewhere to leave my bowl before going upstairs.


'Hey Brooke, look at this' DJ said excitedly as her and Stephanie burst into my room where I was playing with Michelle on my bed

'What is it girls?' I asked as they sat on my floor and DJ pulled something out from behind her back

'A turtle' Stephanie said as they out it on the floor 'his names bubba'

'Where did that come from?' I laughed as I lifted Michelle down to the floor so she could see it aswell

'He's uncle jesses' DJ explained 'we're keeping him'

'I doubt it, does dad know?' I asked as I picked Michelle back up and sat her on my lap

'Yeah he was there when we were talking about it' Stephanie shrugged 'he was more worried about grandma coming to visit'

'Grandmas coming to visit?' I asked happily 'today?'

'Yeah, we should really go and make bubba feel at home though' DJ said as the girls stood up and took the turtle with them

'Have you phoned Josh back yet?' Stephanie asked as she turned to me after DJ left

'What?' I asked her confused

'Well when he phoned the downstairs phone he said that you weren't answering your bedroom phone'

'Why didn't you tell me you spoke to Josh?'

'Nobody asked me' she shrugged and skipped out of the room

I leaned over, keeping one arm over Michelle who was still on my lap playing with my bracelet and grabbed the phone off of the stand from my bedside table and dialled the number for Josh's bedroom phone, after having no luck I decided to phone his downstairs phone.

'Hello' Josh's mum answered the phone 'Mary Hale speaking'

'Hi Mary it's Brooke' I spoke softly

'Hey honey, how are yo and Michelle?' She asked in a much warmer and friendlier tone

'Good thank you' I answered 'is Josh at home?'

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