S1E11 (1st) - Meeting

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Written 7/6/20

-Set when Josh and Brooke first met.

'Please come to cheer tryouts Brooke, it's our first day of high school, don't you want to make the right impression on people so that we're popular?' My friend Lizzie asked me as we walked the halls of our new high school after the school day had finished

'Of course I do but i can't cheer' I answered 'they'll be other ways to make an impression'

'I heard that it's cheer tryouts and then everyone goes onto the field to make out' she pleaded

'But I don't want to make out with some random boy' I shook my head

'Please, I'll do anything' Lizzie grabbed my hand 'you're my bestfriend, we have to be cheerleaders together'

'Fine' I groaned, rolling my eyes and letting her drag me to the gym for tryouts


'Tanner that was really good' the cheer captain smiled at me as she sat with two other blondes, one either side of her 'you're a freshman?'

'Yeah' I nodded 'thank you'

'Great, go take a seat over there and wait for the callout at the end to see if you made the team' she smiled sweetly, no where near as intimidating as I had expected cheerleaders in high school to be

I nodded with a smile and sat where she told me to sit.

'Hey you're really good' one of the boys from the football team said from where they were all sat beside me 'and lexi was nice to you, she must like you because she's a mean bitch most of the time'

'Thank you' I chuckled, fix using more on the blonde haired boy sat next to him

'I'm Chris, assistant captain of the football team and this is my best bud Josh, he's the captain' he introduced them

'I'm Brooke' I smiled

'Is it your first day today?' Josh asked me

'Yeah, are you guys sophomores?' I asked

'Yeah' Josh nodded 'are you coming to the field after this?'

'Maybe, will you be there?' I shrugged

'Yeah, you're coming too' Josh let a small smile play on his lips as I bit mine


'Girl you have real potential to be cheer captain when I'm gone already' lexi smiled as I sat with her Megan and Lucy on the field 'but your friends a loser'

'You really think so?' I beamed at the juniors compliments 'she's great really, she's the one who made me come and tryout'

'Yeah, you're amazing' lexi nodded and so did the other girls 'well I'm glad she made you but she's still a loser, you should totally chill with us'

'Maybe' I nodded slowly

'Hey lex, can I borrow your new prodigy real quick?' Josh joked as he walked over and stood behind me

'Go ahead' she laughed and winked at me and squished her boobs together trying to tell me what to do

'Hey' I smiled as I walked away from the group with Josh

'Hey' he smiled back, we sat down inbetween more groups of people making out 'so your in lexis group already, you must be pretty dope'

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