S1E6 - dada

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Written 29/10/19 - 14/11/19

'Steph really appreciates you coming to her recital' I said to Josh as we got ready in my room

'I wouldn't miss it for the world' he replied, struggling to do up his red tie over his black shirt

'It's really sweet, I'm so glad you and my family get along' I smiled as I walked over to him and did his tie with ease

'You look beautiful' Josh grinned as he looked at my red dress and carefully curled blonde hair

'Thank you, you look very handsome' I smiled as we walked down the stairs into the living room, Josh holding Michelle

'Thanks' he laughed and faked a pose

'She's practicing again?' I asked DJ and Joey as Steph danced around the living room with headphones on

'Yeah' DJ nodded

As the door started to open Stephanie ran.

'That's daddy, I don't want him to see me in my tutu till showtime' she shouted

'Sorry I'm late, I got held up' dad said

'Oh dad after stephs show, we hit the big sale at the fashion mart' DJ said 'everything is half off'

'No way' I exclaimed

'Yeah' DJ nodded to me excitedly

'Of course it doesn't save me any money because you'll just buy twice as much right?' Dad smiled

'I like your attitude' DJ grinned and we all laughed

'It's Saturday afternoon, I'm all dressed up' Jesse sighed as he came down the stairs 'and where am I going? To a munchkin ballet'

'Jesse you look great' I said

'Yeah, help joey' DJ added on and I laughed

As DJ walked into the kitchen the doorbell rang. I opened it to be greeted with a very pretty girl in very little clothing.

'Ciao' she greeted

'Jesse, I'll assume this is for you' I looked at him

'How do you know she's not here to see me?' Joey asked

'Jesse' she shouted and ran over to him

'Adrianna, have mercy' he said as she jumped on him and he spun them

'How are you?' Jesse asked before they began making out

'If she's here to see you then she's very nice to your friends' I smiled to Joey as I closed the door

'Let me introduce you to my roommates' Jesse said 'this is Danny tanner, this Brooke tanner, Josh hale and King kamehameha. You guys will never guess where I met this girl'

'A pta meeting?' Dad asked

'Close. Skydiving' Jesse said

'He missed the target and landed right on my alpha Romeo' she spoke with an Italian accent

'I love that' Jesse said as she hugged into him more 'anyway, she asked me to come back to her place and it turned out her place was in Rome'

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