S1E10 (1st) - Birthday Baby

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Written 15/12/19 - 18/12/19

'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Michelle, happy birthday to you' we all sang as we walked into her nursery

'I can't believe you are one already my baby girl' I cooed as I lifted her out of the cot

'Me neither' Josh shook his head 'it's gone by so quickly'

'Breakfast?' I asked, knowing we had pancakes waiting for us and everyone cheered as we went down the stairs into the kitchen

'How has it been a year today since you gave birth?' Dad asked 'I remember it like it was yesterday'

'Me too' I sighed with a smile, tucking into the pancakes on my plate

'What was your birth like?' Joey asked

'Well...' Dad started

...Flashback to day of Michelle's birth

'Morning honey, how did you sleep?' Mom asked, kissing my forehead as I entered the kitchen

'Morning' I smiled as she went and sat next to dad at the table and I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge 'the baby wouldn't stop moving last night'

'Well, he or she is pretty big now and probably running out of room' dad smiled

'I know, I just can't wait for my baby to be here' I grinned

'Any day now baby' mum cooed

'Morning' Steph skipped happily into the kitchen with DJ close behind her

'Good morning my other gorgeous babies' mum smiled as she stood up and kissed them both as well, handing DJ her lunch box from the counter

'Is Brooke not going to school again?' Stephanie asked them as I hugged them both

'No sweety, remember Brooke isn't going to school anymore because of her baby' mum answered softly

'So we can play again together?' Steph asked excitedly and I nodded

'Why am I the only one who has to go to school?' DJ pouted

'Well next year Stephanie will be going to school too' dad kissed the girls' temples

'Yeah, and I had to go to school too until last month' I shrugged

'I guess' she sighed

'Ok baby, let's go' mom smiled as she grabbed her car keys 'bye everyone'

'Bye' we all called back as they left

Time skip in flashback

'Mom' I yelled from the living room and the pains I had been feeling all day got worse

'What's wrong baby?' She asked as she came into the room through the kitchen door

'It hurts, really bad' I practically cried, she came and sat on the sofa next to me, pulling my head onto her chest and rocking me cautiously

'Danny' she called 'can you come to the living room?'

Dad ran in frantically and the girls soon followed.

'What's the matter? What's going on? I'll call 911' he panicked

'Will you calm down?' Mom chuckled 'I think we should get our first baby to the hospital, I have a funny feeling we're about to meet our first grandbaby'

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