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(Two Months after the SIVA Crisis in Wakanda: Stark Industries Compound, New York)

A surprise meeting has been convened; a whole number of heroes and agents have been gathered in a Stark industries meeting room, though it seemed the meeting itself was designed to be kept secret. The heroes looked amongst themselves, each as confused as the other.

Some went sitting on the couch as the others went chattering and walking as they still waited for someone to come in and explain what was going on. Tony Stark entered the room as he got curious of the crowd.
" So, what's up for this one? " Dr. P asked.

" Well, some follow-up missions, I think, " his wife answered.

" Yeah, expect more stuff to explain, " the long haired mutant named Gladius shrugged.
After a bit of waiting; the Guardian trio of Levi-0, Tengfei and Maverick walked into the room and took their positions infront of a holographic projection screen. Their arrival easily caught the glares of everybody in the room, the glares chanted and hungered for answers.

Wearing a black SHIELD Agent leather jacket, Tengfei felt comfortable and a bit warm despite of the air conditioner's cold temperature. The bearded Kree Voidwalker or SHIELD Agent found a chair and sat down. On the other hand, Maverick Verne or Moragg-Vell was wearing his old Kree Army Starforce suit before he became a gunslinger Hunter in his new home universe. He was also chattering with some of the people in the room.

"So, why exactly did you need one of my secret meeting rooms? Surely everybody can have a helping hand in this." Stark spoke up.

" This is not the case; we selected everyone in this room for a reason, now then let's get this underway, " Levi responded.

" Well, yeah, " the pink-Kree Hunter nodded and raised his left hand in interjection. " Ya know the purple menace made an ordeal with the Cabal. Then, the other freaks came up to destroy yer planet. That's why we need to get them all busted. "

" So, a payback, " a brunette woman named Daisy Johnson muttered. " Like we're gonna track down anyone who invaded before. "

" Sort of..."

The lights in the room turned off; the holographic projector screen displayed an image of the moon on it. Everyone paid their attention to the presentation.

" First we have some answers for you; regarding our whereabouts before the SIVA attack on Wakanda, " the Dawnblade Exo explained. " And partially during the first battles of the attack too. "

The image on the screen changed to what seemed to be that of a mission file; two symbols were displayed, Hive in origin. That and the image of the moon and a strange ship were displayed alongside the symbols as well. The bearded blue Kree remembered he had asked permission to Director Mackenzie for his mission with his fellow Guardians.

" Crota's army..." Tengfei muttered and scratched his beard.

" The Vanguard has us undergo a brutal operation, Operation Regicide. The mission was to take down the Hive prince Crota on the Moon; and then move on to his father Oryx in his own Dreadnought that orbited Saturn, " Levi continued. " As of this moment; Crota and his father Oryx are dead, but it seems the SIVA attack on Wakanda has sparked a shift in the galaxy. Not only are two planets radiating a strange disturbance but an all too familiar presence is inching closer to us."

The image on the projector changed again; there are two planets displayed, anyone could identify them as Mercury and Mars. The rest of the crowd in the room began to murmur as Dr. P, Mrs. Y, and Thor remembered the Osiris mission more than a year ago before Thanos invaded Earth.

" I hope you are all familiar with your own solar system." Levi looked to the crowd.

" No way! " Agent UR exclaimed. " Those freaks! "

" We have to do something before they attack your world once again, " the Lunivian Time-Elf warned.

" Apparently, we need the other three from the other Universe, " Gladius suggested. " Carol had left our universe to visit her son and his friends. We have to wait for them before we get there. "

" You haven't even let me explained yet..." Levi grumbled."A few days after the attack; two separate distress signals rung out from each of these planets; also we detected strange activities going on. Mars seems to be surging with sudden Hive activity while Mercury, has something more sinister going on."

" And what exactly is going down on ole Mercury?" Tony looked to the Exo.

Everyone turned to Levi and waited for his answer. It took time for him to compose his thoughts while looking at the projection.
" We're not sure; but the signals we've been tracking are that of: The Vex." he answered. " I suppose nobody has any knowledge of the Vex though. Except; For us Guardians."

" Actually, we encountered those scrap heaps back in China, Texas, and New York before the supposed main event, " Tengfei added. " The rest of MIB, SHIELD, and the other fighters had a difficult time to defeat them. "

" Oh yeah, I remembered that! " Maverick chuckled.

" That so? Seems like they didn't miss a chance to join in on the action."

" It's a part of the failed ancient Kree doomsday prophecy before the Ten Infinity Avengers showed up in defeating Thanos, " the Kree Voidwalker replied. " The rest got defeated and some had escaped in fear. "

" I understood now. Regardless, both Tengfei and Maverick will be leading teams to investigate these disturbances. Tengfei, please address those you selected for your fireteam, " Levi looked to the Kree Guardian.

" So, yeah. I need someone to join me as well. " the bearded Kree nodded and began to search for the list. " Great Pama! Where the heck is the list? "

Daisy noticed her fellow SHIELD Agent's tension while Tengfei kept palpating on his pants' pockets and peeking inside his leather jacket.

" Teng? Are you okay? " she asked.

" Crap! I left it in my locker when Jack insisted me to play videogames last night! " he facepalmed and muttered. " Oh, goodness. What am I gonna tell now?! "

" Games before duty? "

" Yes, this is really embarrassing..."

" Tengfei, we had the lists. Did you forget yours? " Levi glared at him and asked.

" I apologize for that one, but I already talked to Agent Fitz yesterday about this mission as he got interested, " he replied. " I need the other three along with Carol Danvers. "

" I told ya, " Gladius smiled.

" Hey, how about me?! " Maverick called and waved his both hands.

" Let Tengfei get his team first; since he blatantly forgot who he selected beforehand, " Levi whispered to Maverick.

" Yeah...right. He's getting older than I thought, " the pink Kree chuckled and turned to the bespectacled blue skinned man. " Ya have mid-life dementia, ya know? "

Tengfei glared at his fellow Kree and crossed his arms. Captain Mar-Vell's cousin was laughing at him as the bearded blue one got annoyed. The rest murmured as the Kree Voidwalker got embarrassed.

" Moragg...." he sternly muttered and called Maverick his Kree name.

" Kidding!! " the pink-Kree wryly smiled.

Levi sighed and took out his Ghost, Tyrion. Tyrion flashed a document in his face and he quickly put the Ghost away as fast he summoned it.
" The following people are assigned to Tengfei's fireteam for Operation Sunlight: Kai, Skoùro, Fitz, Amnon and Carol. Maverick; do you have the list you made for your team or am I going to have to pick up the slack for you?" Levi glared at the Hunter.

" Oh, yeah! I can see 'em now! " he beamed and turned to the others.

" So, Moragg-Vell, is this some sort of a volun-point? " Tony asked.

" Yeah, ya guys are gonna be in my team! "

" How can you be certain you're leading us? " Dr. P added.

" Hey, c'mon fellas! Trust me, we're gonna bust off some aliens in Mercury and get some loot or whatever ya find awesome! Are we cool? "

" I hope this Kree is reliable, " Gamora whispered to Thor and Jaune.

" Right..." the Remnite Inhuman nervously grinned. " I'm sure he does! "

" Of course, he can do it! " the tall Asgardian happily beamed.

" Goodjobacious, god of thunda! " Maverick grinned and made a friendly fist-bump to Thor.

It was the first time for a pink-Kree and an Asgardian having a cordial camaraderie since the two different races were also at war in the beginning. The Thanos Invasion in this universe made all the alien races allied to Earth rekindle to each other for peace and friendhip. Dr. P and Mrs. Y were both glad to see the two getting along.

" Just do your thing, Rick and we're right behind you! " Y laughed.

" Okay, no problem! "

" To clarify; those who will be assigned to Maverick for Operation Absolute Zero are: Pyromaniac, Firefly, Thor, Gamora, Jaune and Stark. " Levi continued and turned to the others. " The means that the rest of you will be with me; and let's just say we have a much bigger fish to fry."

" So...we're dealing with another menace? " Daisy asked.

" Technically, yes..." Pyrrha Nikos or Polarity nodded. " We can find someone who collaborated with Thanos before. "

The projector screen was changed again; but the image was that of a rather pixelated image captured by a satellite. The other three got curious as Katean Knythe and Agent UR were both furious to see the image.

" Does anybody know what this ship is? " the Exo curiously asked.

" Cabal..." Katean angrily growled and clenched her fists.
She got enraged to see the image as she wanted to destroy it. " They should die! "

" Kate...calm down..." Gladius shrugged her shoulders.

" I need my Ego Stone back from that creep! " the Uranian added.

" For those of you who forgot; the Cabal where there aiding Thanos in his war, but since then they've gone silent, until this came into Nessus' orbit just a while ago. A bit of backstory; there was once a war though called the Red War, a Cabal legion who dethroned the Emperor almost manage to wipe out humanity and destroy the Traveller. They have long since been defeated but remnants of the Red Legion are flocking to this ship: The Leviathan, " Levi continued. "My team will be targeting Emperor Calus himself. "

" We need to get there and get my Infinity Stone back from him! " Agent UR demanded. " That baddie is using it for sure! "

" Quake, Agent UR, Katean, Gladius, and Polarity; you will be with me as apart of Operation Royal Wine." Levi spoke." Now that everyone has an idea of where they'll be going and who they are going with; there is one more detail we need to urgently stress regarding these operations."

" Copy that, " Daisy nodded.

" We're all ready, " Pyrrha smiled.

" Well, we're all good to go..." the Remnite mutant replied. " With some two angry members of the Infinity Avengers. "

Tengfei became more anxious than ever and looked at his wristwatch. He saw Maverick and Levi forming their own teams. He sat alone and heavily sighed. The others turned to him with a concern.

" Seriously, I need Danvers, Fitz, and the other three..." Tengfei shrugged. " When are they gonna come? How long am I supposed to meet them?! "

" Everyone; this part is important. The Vanguard must not find out about any of this, " Levi's words carried a heavy weight; some were surprised to hear that this was so secretive.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door as they heard. Jaune stood up and saw his fellow SHIELD Agent entering the room.

" Fitz! " the Inhuman greeted. " Where have you been? Tengfei has been waiting for you. " " Sorry, I'm very late, Jaune..." the Scottish SHIELD Agent panted and arrived. " Jemma asked me to bring my sandwich. Oh, is this what we're going to start? "

" Finally, now...Who else? " the Kree SHIELD Agent sighed in relief and shrugged.

" Wait, I thought they were here..." Levi growled and once again glared at Tengfei.

Suddenly, a bright blue portal appeared as everyone got startled. Another blue Kree with silvery-white hair brought his mother, angelic sister, and pyromancer friend as the four stepped inside the room. Levi-0 had expected of their arrival.

" Pyro-Daddy, the other Infinity Avengers are here! " Y happily beamed and turned to her husband.

" Yeah, I guess they're all ready, Sunshine, " Dr. P answered and smiled.

" All of you are supposed to arrive earlier! " the Kree Voidwalker exclaimed and turned to his teammates. " What on Hala have you been doing? "

" Sorry, we're very late! " Skoùro nervously chuckled. " We had an important affair back from our dimension. "

" It's some family reunion had happened, " Carol added. " I visited my boy's home universe and met everybody while I was on vacation. "

" Yeah, we never realized we took a long time to bond, " Amnon or Mr. Marvel added. " My mother wanted not to waste her time there. "

" Well, it's part victory of Wakanda in this dimension and some party we have in our universe, " Kai grinned and turned to his Kree Eternal friend. " Besides, Carol really deserves to visit all of us and spoil her grandkids! "

" Right! " he chuckled and turned to his mother and sister as they understood.

" So, family reunion party before duty? " Fitz asked and scratched his head.

" I guess you may say that! " the blonde half-Kree woman laughed and turned to her teammates. " So are we all good? "

" Yep! " the Dark Angel smiled. " We're ready. "

" Absolutely, " the Kree Eternal grinned.

" Let's do this! " the pyromancer confidently beamed.

" I'm looking forward for that, " the Scottish SHIELD Agent added.

" Finally..." Tengfei sighed in relief and replied to his teammates. " I'll be leading this team. I'm going to explain further about your mission to Mars. If you have any questions, I'm free to answer those. "

The others understood as they all agreed and exchanged glances to each other. The three storming teams were all set and waiting for Levi's signal to leave.

" Tengfei, Maverick; get them up to speed, I have to go acquire our transportation, " Levi sighed and walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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