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I immediately couldn't think of how stressful it was to my family,of how much pain I had put on them. It  had been a week since the doctors had been trying to did out what was going on with me. My sister encouraged me to find out myself of what was wrong , but all I could think of at that moment was that I didn't want to cause more trouble than I had already caused.

School put more weight on my shoulders because everywhere you look someone is either getting bullied or that you hear someone making a horrible plan to bully someone. All I could think of was to help but i was still worried whether I could hurt someone myself.

It made me think back of what my sister said I should do as, crazy as it sounds it was what I enjoyed doing  and the chemicals in my body weren't gonna stop me.

I tested the solution I had made to see if it  was doing exactly what had happened to my blood but all I saw was a simple bubbly solution. I tried putting it in the sun but all it did was do the exact opposite of what I thought it would do. Instead of it changing colour and to a darker state it turned into a brighter colour and to a bubbly mistake.

That next night the doctor called my parents, and just as  they thought  he was going to tell them what was wrong , he asked for another blood test to see it without any contact of light. My mom got very annoyed with the doctor and she demanded him to tell them what he had found out that past week.

The doctor asked them to be patient but all my mom thought about doing was getting a new doctor and I honestly don't blame her. My dad informed the doctor that we will be there that morning, even though he was as frustrated as my mom was.

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