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You were a-somewhat-older member of the team. You were twenty-two and had a penthouse of your own. It was nice, well decorated, and had three spare rooms.
Today was Christmas Eve and you invited everyone to your place for Christmas seeing as no ones been there, nor do most of them have a place to go. The only ones you did were Dick and Jason. But Dick was still having issues with Bruce and Jason still wasn't aloud to go home-let's just say you really wanted to punch Bruce for that-.
You had the place all decorated for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. So all you had to do was get the guest rooms all set. Rachel and Dick had their own, while Jason and Gar would have to share.
The second you heard the buzzer ring you let them up and ran right to the elevator and were greeted by: "Wow" "Holy shit" "Is there a game room!?" "You live here?"