Special: The Story Of New Zealand

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Since this is set in NZ where the main language is English, they're all speaking English. Italics means they're speaking Thai.



Beam was a fairly confident boy. After all, he was good in studies, good-looking and had two of the best people as his best friends.

So to have to uproot from his comfortable life in Thailand... was a shock.

Beam hadn't expected this at all. While he knew that his father would have a somewhat extreme reaction, he didn't think that he would go so far as to move the family across the globe just because he couldn't accept that his son was different.

At the age of seventeen, Beam had his life turned upside-down to move to New Zealand, a country he knew nothing about.

It was nothing short of terrifying actually, even for someone as confident as him, and Beam couldn't help but dread having to go to school.

So when the time came that he stood in front of the school principal with his mother, Beam tried his best to blank it all out. Which really wasn't that difficult since they were speaking English.

Now, Beam wasn't bad at English by any means, he regularly went overseas and could hold conversations quite fluently with no problem. But Thai was still his first language and it was one that he would much prefer listening to right now.

"Sawasdee khrap."

Right. Like that.

Beam's eye widened and he turned to face the boy who had entered the room without him noticing and suddenly spoke in his native language.

He was also Asian like him, most likely Thai though the possibility that he just knew how to say a greeting wasn't far off.

"Hi, I'm Forth Jaturapoom. It's nice to meet you."

Definitely Thai. Beam couldn't help but feel relief flood through him.

"This is Forth. He's in the same class as you so he'll be the one leading you around and helping you familiarize with the environment. Is that okay Beam?"

Beam could only nod his head at the principal, unable to say a word.

"Beam." His mother called out, causing him to look at her.Seeing the stress lines on her face, Beam couldn't help but feel his heart ache.

"I know this is tough for you. But this is for the best. I know you must think that your father did this because of what you said, but this is also for your future. You can broaden your horizons here."

"Don't worry Ma. I understand." He replied obediently.

"Good, good. Boy," His mother turned to Forth, gesturing for him to come closer. "I hope it's not too much to ask for you to help take care of my son while he's adjusting to life here."

Beam felt a little embarrassed that his mother was doing this, glancing over at Forth to see him nodding his head with a smile.

"I'll do as you say."

Seemingly reassured, Beam's mother went back to talking with the principal some more, leaving the two boys to make conversation by themselves.

"Hello." Beam greeted politely, instinctively wai-ing the other.

"Hi." Forth greeted back before the silence started creeping back in.

As already stated, Beam was a confident boy and could usually adapt well to situations involving new people, but maybe it was because he was in a totally foreign environment that he was off his game.

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