1. Friends

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Inspired by a comment left by annakas1 :)

Thanks for putting this ghostship in my head, and I'm sorry for not using your idea. I really like it though so maybe I'll use it for another story. That is if you'll let me.

Whoever bothers reading this, I hope you like it.

P. S. I added my own delulu ghostship Phamingyo in this.


Kit groaned, pushing the blankets away as he got up from his bed. Why were they always so damn loud?!

It had only been a few weeks since Kit had moved into this apartment. He had decided that for his second year of medical school, it would more convenient to live nearby, and thus he found this small apartment.

The landlord had mentioned that the boys next door had also recently moved in and Kit had been interested at the possibility of making some new friends.

And then he found out that those boys, were actually a couple. It was pretty obvious after the first night of sex noises.

It had gotten so annoying that after the first week, he had stomped over next door to put an end to the noises. Just as Kit was about to knock, the door had swung open right into his face.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Kit was unable to answer the flustered male, too busy holding his nose in pain.

"What happened?" Another voice called out from deeper in the apartment. Somehow Kit thought it sounded vaguely familiar, like he had heard it before.

"Babe, I accidentally slammed the door into cutie's face. Can you look at it?"

There was a long sigh before Kit heard footsteps coming closer towards them. The pain was already starting to disappear, so Kit let go of his nose, eyes moving up to look at the couple in front of him.

He regretted it almost immediately as he stared into the familiar eyes of, "BEAM?!"

Beam looked just as shocked as he felt as the pair stared at each other for a few moments before he broke into a large grin, dimples showing proudly. "Hey Kit."

Kit looked away, feeling a blush raising in his cheeks. What the heck? He never thought he would ever meet his close childhood friend again like this.

"H-Hey Beam." He stuttered out, trying hard to control his embarrassment.

Why did his cheeks still feel so hot? And why was he feeling liquid going down his face-?! Kit immediately turned around, realising that his nose was starting to bleed.

Damn, why was this happening to him?!

"Hey-" A heavy hand landed on his shoulder and he was turned around, "Oooh, that doesn't look too good. Beam, what should we do?" Beam's boyfriend- God, he couldn't believe he was actually saying that- asked, way too close to Kit for his own comfort. He had quite pretty eyes as well, Kit observed.

"Yeah, that doesn't look too good Kit. Let's go inside." Kit wanted to refuse, but Beam's boyfriend's hands on his shoulders pushed him inside their apartment and onto their couch.

"Here, some tissues." Beam offered before sitting down next to him. His boyfriend immediately put one muscular arm around him. Kit had to drag his eyes away as he muttered out a thanks, stuffing a whole bunch of tissues up his nose in an effort to stop the bleeding. This was so embarrassing, why did such stuff have to happen to him?

Pha would probably laugh his ass off when he hears of this. And speaking of Pha- "Does Phana know your back?"

Phana, Kit and Beam. The three of them had grown up together all their lives, but in high school Beam's family decided to move to New Zealand for his father's business. They did keep in contact though, Pha more than Kit since the latter was too embarrassed.

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