2. Sleepover

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Kit gulped, nervously looking between Forth and Beam.

"W-What's wrong?" He winched, praying that they didn't hear his stutter.

"Our AC is broken. Is it okay if we spend a few hours with you?" Forth asked, and wow was his puppy eyes game strong.

Kit could feel himself starting to give in, especially when Beam grabbed the edge of his sleeve and let a small, "Please?"

He sighed, knowing he couldn't refuse."Fine, come in." The boy opened the door wider to let them inside.

"Thanks. The heat is unbearable!" Forth exclaimed, laying on his couch.

"Yeah, I forgot how hot it could get in Thailand." Beam added, not even hesitating to sit on Forth's stomach.

"Is the weather very different in New Zealand?" Kit asked curiously. He had never gone there before.

"It definitely doesn't get this hot." Forth answered, before addressing Beam. "Babe, can you get off me? I love you very much, but your still heavy."

Beam obeyed, sitting on the floor instead. Kit was shocked when Forth promptly took his shirt off, jaw dropping at the sight.

He could already tell that the elder was quite muscular by his arms, but his body was... Wow. He was on the same level as Ming, possibly even better.

Kit abruptly turned away, not wanting to stare at his friend's boyfriend.

"Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" Forth asked, noticing that he had his back to them.

"N-No, of course not!" Kit lied, trying to think of something to say. "Do you want some water? The heat must make you thirsty."

He hurried over to the kitchen, hands shaking as he grabbed some cups.

Get it together Kit! He scolded himself, taking in a deep breath to control himself before pouring water into the cups.

In the living room, Forth and Beam were still in the same positions he had left them in, except that the latter had picked up the book he left on the coffee table and was reading through it.
Kit blushed, remembering what kind of book it was.

Beam lowered the book when Kit set the cups down, mischief dancing in his eyes. "I didn't know our Kitty was into these kind of books nowadays."

"It's Yo's, not mine!" He retorted heatedly. The book did belong to Yo, but the younger had given it to him claiming that he would like it. Kit just hadn't found an opportunity to give it back.

"Oh, Phana's boyfriend?" Forth asked. "The small and cute one?"


"Ah, their love story must be so cute. It's hard to believe that a guy like Phana has been into Yo since high school." Forth gushed.

Beam caught Kit's eye, both sharing a smile as they remembered how ga-ga Pha used to go over Wayo.

"You haven't told me how he got together with the tall one though. Ming right?"

Beam shrugged, "Kit?" He deflected Forth's attention to the boy who was now sitting on the floor now.

"You know the story as well as I do Beam, can't you explain it?" Kit shot back.

"But I wasn't there. You can give us more detail."

True. Pha and him were in their last year of high school when it all happened. It was probably the most fun he ever had, watching all the different reactions Pha gave.

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