3. Movie

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The next morning, Kit cracked open his eyes to the sound of his alarm.

He sighed, feeling unusually tired. Today was going to be rough, that he could already tell.

Kit let himself lay in his bed for a few more minutes before pushing himself upright.

He dragged himself over to the bathroom, taking a quick shower to wake himself up.

Kit put on his uniform, checking his appearance in the mirror to make sure he looked neat before exiting his room.

In the living room, Forth and Beam were still sleeping, curled around each other tightly.

Kit immediately got to work on waking them up, knowing how deep of a sleeper Beam was.

"Beam, Forth wake up! We don't want to be late!" He urged, pulling the blanket off them.

Beam groaned, shifting his position. "Five more minutes Kit."

"No! Come on, we should eat some breakfast before going to school." Kit urged, grabbing his friend by the edge of his pants and pulling.

Beam opened one eye to look at him, stating, " Your gonna pull my pants off like this. Do you really want to see my underwear?"

Kit flushed at his teasing, immediately backing away. "Just go get ready!" He snapped impatiently.

"Yes sir." Beam replied, but still took his own time getting up.

Kit glanced over at Forth, who was still sleeping away. "What about him?" He asked.

"Forth?" Beam let out a short laugh. "He'll wake up when he wants to. Let me go shower first."

Beam left the apartment, leaving Kit with his slumbering boyfriend. Taking the opportunity, Kit crouched down next to Forth, poking him to see whether he would react.

Nothing. Not even a winch.

"Are you a rock or something?" Kit muttered. Hmmn, looking at the elder like this, he couldn't help but observe his facial features.

Actually, just going by his face, Forth could be mistaken for being delicate with his high sweeping cheekbones, gentle sloping nose and wide eyes.

Forth. Delicate. Those two words did not go well together.

Kit giggled, getting distracted by his own thoughts. Too distracted perhaps, because he didn't notice the arm coming for him until he found himself pinned under it.

"Oi! Forth!" He hissed, attempting to push his arm off. "This isn't funny!"

Forth didn't open his eyes, but a tiny smile appeared on his lips even as punches rained down on his arm.

"Let go of me!" Kit repeated in vain. Forth only snuggled closer to him, making the boy turn red.

Damn, did he not have any sense of shame?!

"Yeah Forth, let go of Kit." The boy startled at Beam's voice, blurting out frantically, "This isn't what it looks like!"

Beam raised an eyebrow, "I know exactly what this looks like. Now quit playing around Forth!" He ordered, sending a kick to his boyfriend's butt.

Forth finally reacted, letting out a moan of pain. "That hurt Beam. Why did you have to hit me that hard?"

"Then stop teasing Kit and go get ready!"

"Fine, fine. I was just having a bit of fun. You can't blame me when he reacts so cutely." Kit was too stumped to react much when Forth pinched his cheek.

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