Chapter Four - The plan

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A very short chapter I'm sorry! I had a bit of a writer's block but from now on I'm gonna be updating once or twice a week :)


Before they left that day Bill had invited the losers over for a sleepover at his house that Wednesday night, in two days. His parents would be out of town and he wanted to make the most of it, so all of them were gonna pile up in the basement and have a movie night. After the summer of 89, Bill decided to turn the basement into a little hangout for the gang in hopes of destroying the terrible memories that lay there, which kind of worked when he wasn't alone. He never went down there alone unless the lights were on. One afternoon last summer when Eddie was over at his house, he went upstairs to refill the popcorn and heard bill screaming downstairs, so obviously he ran down to see what was happening and he found bill in the corner, panicking and swearing that he saw Georgie in the shadows, bawling his eyes out. So the small boy just sat and hugged him, telling him he was ok until the screams turned to sobs. Bill cried in his arms for what felt like forever that night, his whole body shaking and hands gripping Eddie's shirt.
He'd only ever told Richie that story, and even to this day the sight was stuck in his mind. Turns out Big Bill wasn't so big after all.
Once he got home he quickly made his way upstairs, avoiding his Mum who was asleep on her recliner, heading up through the hallway to his room, notebook in hand. Once he closed the door behind him, a small grin slipped onto his lips at today's events. As much as he hated Richie for being such an asshole, the way he looked at him made his insides twist. Previously that morning he was so worried that the flirtatious Richie wouldn't acknowledge the party's events, or worse, pretend not to remember. He'd known for a year now that Richie wasn't straight, figuring it out from the small details, but it wasn't that difficult, even a complete idiot could sense the sexual tension between the two. Though, he still didn't know if what Richie felt was real or just physical. The ravenette was a huge flirt, and it wouldn't be surprising if the dense douchebag didn't see how Eddie really felt. He'd decided to talk to Richie about it all on Wednesday, it'd be easier then, when everyone was asleep. He sighed and laid down on his bed, looking up at the glow in the dark stars on his roof and smiling as the curly haired trashmouth entered his thoughts. His skin prickles at the slurred memories in his mind, hands on his waste, red lips grazing his. He grins, brushing a hand over the marks on his neck and feeling his cheeks warm along with his chest. He'd been in love with Richie Trashmouth Tozier since Sophomore year, and it hadn't lessened one bit since. He hid his secret from basically everyone, covering it up with snappy remarks and lots of swearing, but tomorrow he was gonna tell somebody. For the first time ever.
He'd called Mike that morning, asking to hang out tomorrow at his farm, which the smiley boy was of course ok with.
He'd mulled over who he should tell first for a long time, Bill was his closest and oldest friend, but he had too much going on in his own life, so he didn't wanna weigh that on him. Then there was Stan, who Eddie got along with amazingly well, but back then the noodle haired boy and Richie we're best friends, so it was too big of a risk, not that it mattered now anyway. Ben was always awkward with big secrets, so that cut him out real quick, and Bev was way too much of cheeky person, she would definitely give it away on accident, making it a definite no. But Mike, he was the groups protector, their heart, he kept secrets, he was understanding, and him and Eddie could always relate through losing a parent. They had common ground, and Mike made him feel safe. So tomorrow, he was gonna come out to him, for real this time, he was going to say it, out loud. His chest tightened at the thought and he tried not to stress too much, sitting up and wandering over to his window, tomorrow would be a big ass day, and hopefully, things would turn out.

Next chapter will be long to make up for this! 💕
Thanks for reading Luvs! If you have any cute prompts you'de like to see in this fic then lemme know in the comments! Xx

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