0.1- "It must be the prawns"

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Kaitlyn woke up feeling violently sick and disoriented. She propped herself up so her back was lying against the headboard and peered down at her beautiful boyfriend, Luke.
His blonde,usually quiffed hair was placed over his forehead and slightly in his closed eyes. His facial expression showed peacefulness just by the way his mouth hung slightly open and soft snores escaped from his thin, pink, pierced, parted lips and his eye brows relaxed above his eyes; showing no creases on his forehead. Luke was definitely something and Kaitlyn felt like the luckiest girl to have him.

Luke started to stir in his sleep and wrinkled his cute pointy-like nose. Kaitlyn reached over to brush the golden hair out of his eyes and he grabbed her hand slightly by surprise and kissed her on the hand.

"Good morning baby," Luke murmured in his raspy morning voice.

"Morning Luke. Do you want me to go and make some hot chocolate for you?"

"Yes please. You really know how to get to a man's heart, don't you?" He reached up and wiped an eyelash off her cheek.

"Of course I do babe. Every Power knows how to," She teases, slowly getting herself out of bed and readjusting Luke's Green Day shirt she usually slept in.

However, when looking straight ahead of herself, she felt her stomach lurch and a burning sensation shooting up to her throat. She made a horrific gagging noise that scared herself and also frightened Luke, making him immediately jump out of bed and guide her to the bathroom where she threw up.

After the 5th time she hurled (and she thought she couldn't chuck up anymore), Luke took her sweaty body into his arms and brushed the wet, sweaty hair off her forehead.

"Hunny, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I feel just brilliant because throwing up 5 times clearly resembles how amazing I'm feeling."

"Woah babe, dial the sarcasm down a bit."

"God I'm sorry Luke. I just don't know what's up with me; I was fine yesterday. Unless, it was the prawns I had at that restaurant yesterday for lunch?"

"You're right, maybe it was. Why don't you have a shower and I will go downstairs and make us some hot coco and we can cuddle in bed. Does that sound good?"

"That sounds amazing, I love you."

"I love you too, call me if you need help with anything." He kisses her on the forehead before flushing the toilet and leaving her alone in the bathroom to shower.


quick beginning of the story. this chapter is not 100% finished but I thought I could give you guys a taster. I will have time to update soon and add to this chapter.

Thank you everyone who is reading this. I appreciate it a lot even though it's a dumb book I created, I'm still gracious to you for taking time to read it and maybe vote and comment.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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