Chapter 4

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Adira Pov

I had woken with the sun in a very good mood. I knew I had no jobs today. Without anyone to bother me, I could do as I pleased. This was a rare luxury that I planned to take full advantage of.

I lit the fire, seeing as there was still snow on the ground, and made myself a small breakfast of eggs and toast. After my meager but delicious breakfast, I went to the room that held my most prized piano.

I knew it was odd, seeing I was an assassin and all, but music had always been the one thing that I connectes with. It couldn't be killed or betray you. The piano, esspecially held a large part of my cold heart to itself. The piano had been the first instrument I had ever learned.

I never had a real mother in my life. My mother had gotten sick and died because she had such a difficult pregnancy with me. The only other person who had known about my background was the midwife, Sorscha. She took care of me after I was born. She told me my mother knew I would be shunned for being the cause of my her sickness and death, so she wished to protect me.

Though, looking back, I saw that hadn't done much good.

Sorscha was the one who'd taught me to play the piano. She was the only friend I had ever had. That is, until she was murdered. I snapped back to reality, not wanting to relive the memory, and looked into the room that my piano rested in.

I passed over the threshold and walked to the middle of the large room. I slid myself onto the bench and opened the keylid of the gorgeous instrument, gliding my slim digets over the gleaming ivory keys.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and began to play.

My heart leapt at the smooth sound, the way the pitches rolled together into a sweet sea of melody. I lost track of time and surrounding as my fingers flew across the keys in a symphony.

That is, until I was inturrupted by a small tap behind me. Most people wouldn't have been able to hear it in silence, let alone with the piano playing forté. But, I was an assassin, and sensed he attack the moment before I was struck. Or, where I had been sitting was struck, at least.

I was across the room in seconds, the last echoes of the piano still rebounding against the walls.

I summed up my attackers. Five well built men, all fully armed. Their presence completely overpowered the small room. That's when I realized, they're not men, but Fae. High Fae.

But I wasn't the most feared assassin known to both human and Fae for nothing.

I smirked wickedly. This is going to be fun.

A) Thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it! B) If you got the Throne of Glass references, you are a true Maasian! Also, sadly I do not own Throne of Glass or it's characters. Those credits go to the most amazing author ever, Sarah Maas.
Rock on!!

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