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Sabrina's POV

After I got home last night I went straight to my room and fell asleep instantly, only to be waken up by my alarm clock 7 hours later. I got up walked over to my bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower. I decided to wear a baggy green t-shirt and some cheap leggings.

The ride to school was uneventful and boring. First day of school everyone usually wears their best outfit in hopes that others will like them. But not me, I know better, I'll get bullied for 'trying to fit in' by Chase.

"Hey rodent."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "What do you want Chase?" I said with a flat tone. "Nothing much rodent, just wondering if you missed my friends and I?" He said while all of his friends snickered in the back. I just stayed silent and prayed he would leave me alone. "What's wrong rodent, cat's got your tongue?"He smirked.

"CHASE! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE!?" I turned to find my savior Jess. "But babe, shes just a ro-"

"DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE MISTER" Jess screamed. Jess walked up to Chase grabbed him by the ear and whispered something into his ear, something that made his face pale. What ever she threatened him with will only keep him away from me for a limited amount of time. But as for his friends they will bully me through out the rest of the day.

I turn and walk away with my head down hoping to not grab any unwanted attention.

"SABRINA WATCH OUT!" Jess yells from across the hall. Just as I'm about the turn round, I run straight into a wall.


Just like everyone was in a trance they all stopped talking at the same time. What the heck? Why aren't the laughing? Why does this wall smell so good? I opened my eyes to see a chest covered by a blue t-shirt. Suddenly, I hear some one clear their throat from above. I slowly glance up and see ASHER FREAKING REED.

I instantly blush "I-I-I am so sorry. Th-this wont happen again I swe-"

Unexpectedly he interjects, "Save it rodent. I don't need to hear your pipsqueak mouth again. Got it?" I decided to not say a thing and look down in embarrassment.

"Seems like we are on the same page then, step aside rodent." I oblige obediently.

Jess is by my side with in seconds. "Oh my God, you did it I'm so proud of you. You talked to him." She smiles at me. I throw her a glare. "You know how embarrassed I was, even he called me a rodent." I said frowning.

"Oh hunny it's okay I'll take you out for ice cream after school today. I promise."

Well who could say no to ice cream? I smile and nod, "Thank you for being an amazing friend Jess, I really appreciate you." She laughs, "You just want food, huh?"

I nod cheekily.

"Okay well let's go get our schedules for the school year then." Jess says as we walk to the office and wait in line to grab our schedules.

Once we both had our schedules we compared, I had, AP Government, AP Literature, Health, AP Computer Science, Calculus BC, and AP Human Biology.  We only had lunch and periods 2, 4, and 6 together.

"Well it's better than nothing." I said. She rolled her eyes just as the bell rung commencing the first day for school.

"I'll see you second period." She said while walking away.

I made my way to my first class and noticed Zack sitting in the back, he noticed me looking at me and waved me down. I walked over to him, "Hi Zack." I spoke.

"Hey." He smiled. "Why don't you sit next to me." I almost rolled my eyes he wants me to talk about Jess. I was about to sit next to him when he said, "Oh I'm saving this seat just sit right there." He pointed to the seat in front of the seat I was about to sit in.

It wasn't exactly the spot I would have picked but I don't want to anger the only other person at this school that considers me human so I do as he says. Just as I sit down the door slams open Revealing the one and only Asher.

So that's why he was saving the seat. I stare at him as he looks around the classroom looking for his seat when his eyes meet mine. I blush as he smirks. He walks right up to me and says, "You just couldn't stay away could you." I stiffen up as he brushes his hand against mine and chuckles at my obvious discomfort. After he was done he sat behind me. My Hair was up in a messy bun so every once and a while I would feel his breath against my neck, and it would send shivers down my spine.

Once 1st period was over I stood up grabbed my belongings and as I approached the door someone slid passed me. I glance up to see that it was Asher, and I know he did it on purpose because right when I looked at him he winked. I was flustered so I blushed a deep red.

Asher was in 3 more of my classes after that including English, Health, and Science. Oh and he's in my lunch as well including Chase and his demon squad. Fortunately, they all left me alone and I ate lunch with Jess as normal.

After the exhausting day ended, Jess and I went to the Ice Cream Parlor and stuffed our faces. I got mint cookies and creme and Jess got Orange Sorbet. We were talking about our first day, and I told her about my traumatic experience during first period while she squealed like a five year old getting candy.

All of a sudden we hear the front door jingle. "Don't look now but Asher and Zack are in the shop." Jess says. I instantly turn around see the Angel himself. "Sabrina, I said don't look you idiot." Jess whisper shout from across the table we sat at. But I just couldn't help myself.

His eyes search around the room and find mine he smirks and I turn away. Suddenly Zack makes his way over and sits down next to Jess and starts talking to her and Asher plops down in the seat next to me. I immediately tense up.

"No need to be so tense babe." He smirks.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to see you here." I whispered completely nervous. "It's okay, I can relieve your tension if you want." He winked. As if it was on cue my legs clamped shut.

"Oh c'mon Ash really, can't you keep your dick at bay for ten seconds." Zack says and Jess laughs. Asher just shrugs and winks at me, "Not my fault, c'mon Zack we have a party to get to." He emphasized the word party.

"Bye Jess." Zack says with a little tilt of the head and they walk out.

"Oh my- Asher Reed definitely has a thing for you." Jess exclaims. "No Jess he was simply looking for a partner to take part in his sexual desires." I said crushing her dream and showing her the reality.

"Sexual desires? Really Sabrina you could just say that he wants to have sex with you." She stated. I turn instantly red, "JESS! Shut up no he doesn't, he was messing with me. Literally not even 10 hours ago he yelled at me in the hallway for making a fool of myself." I said flustered. She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, well I'm guess you forgot that not even  15 minutes later he started flirting with you." 

If I didn't think I could get anymore red, I was definitely wrong I probably look like a tomato on steroids. I glance down at my phone to check the time, 6:43 "Alright Jess I'm going to head home, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the ice cream." I get up and Give her a hug before walking home.



Hey guys! Second chapter doneeeeee! what do you think. Give me your opinions and vote. Thank you!


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