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*Flashback 7 years ago*

I was in chemistry doing a test for my junior finals. I got called into the office in when I had only three questions left.

"They say it's urgent" the teacher says putting the phone down. I rolled my eyes and gave what I had of the text to my teacher and grabbed my bag and headed towards the office.

Once I got there they immediately pulled me into the back and talked to me. I couldn't believe what they told me. My mom was in the hospital with Pancreatic cancer.

I dropped my bag on the floor and started crying. I fell on my knees in shock. They rushed to help me up and comfort me.

"The ambulance will be here soon to transport you to the hospital so you can see your mother."

I cried all the way to the hospital. Once I arrived they escorted me to a room with my mother asleep in a hospital bed. They informed me that my mother only had less then a few more months to live. I was only seventeen and was going to loose my mother to cancer.

*Flashback over*

~Angela's POV~

I woke up a few days ago. I'm still in pain but Hershel says I'll be able to start being active in a couple weeks after he takes out my stitches. Everyday I got different visitors, but Shane and Rick checked on me everyday. Carl visits every night after dinner and I tell him a story. We call each other buddy now. He's such a goofball.

~Rick's POV~

Today we are getting everyone to learn how to shoot. Carl wanted to learn how to shoot. Lori was complaining about him learning how to shoot. He's eleven now and he needs to learn how to protect himself.

I walk around while everyone in shooting the targets but mostly missing. I correct a couple people that weren't aiming right then went back to spectating. I walked over to where Shane and Andrea were. Shane corrected her aim and gave her a heavier gun. She hit the target first try with her the new gun. She smiled as she hit the bottle.

"I think she's ready for advanced classes." I joked.

"Yup just about." Shane responded while setting up more targets.

After a couple hours of shooting we headed back to the farm to go get lunch. Shane took Andrea to get better training. I volunteered to bring Angela lunch so I could give her company. No one really visits her very much.

I walked into the kitchen and made two sandwiches on different plates with a side of cucumbers and a water. I carried the tray with our lunches on it upstairs and up to her room. I knocked then opened the door. I saw her laying in her bed in her bra as usual with a bandage on her side covering her wound.

"Hey" she said while smiling.

"Didn't expect you to bring me lunch. How was training?"

I sat the tray down on the bedside table and sat my lunch on the dresser. I sat on the chair next to her bed.

"It was great, Carl was a natural." I said
She chuckled

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