Safe zone

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Everyone piles in and sets everything they brought with them and everything they found down. Rick looks at all the canned food they found in an RV that was probably Aaron's and the other person he came with. "This, this is ours now." Rick looks at Aaron with a can in his hand. "There's more than enough." Aaron says calmly.

"It's ours wether or not we go to your camp."

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we go?" Carl
argues with his fathers words.

"If he were lying or if he wanted to hurt us... but he isn't. And he doesn't. We need this. So we're going, all of us. Somebody say something if they feel differently." I demand. "We're tired, Rick. We can't be out here much longer. We are weak and nothing is going to help if we don't at least try to trust him." I say in a stern voice towards my boyfriend.

"I don't know, man. This barn smells like horse shit." Daryl points out. Nobody says anything. They all agree with me. I look back at Rick with a serious look.

He looks at me and smiles, "Yeah, we're going." I sigh in relief. I knew I could get him to go.
Rick grabs a map and lets Aaron tell him where to go. He decides to take route twenty three. Aaron says it's not safe there and how route sixteen is safer and clearer.

"We'll leave at sundown." Rick announced.

"We are leaving at night?" Sasha asks concerned.

"I know it's dangerous. But it's better than pulling up to the gate during the day. If it isn't safe, we need to get gone before they know we're there." Rick explains to everyone.

"No one is going to hurt you. You're trying to protect your group and family, but you're putting them in more danger." Aaron says. Aaron is right but Rick would never change his mind.

"Fine, tell us where your camp is and we'll leave right now." Rick kneels.

Aaron shakes his head and looks forward. Rick gets up and looks back at us, "It's going to be a long night. Eat, get some rest if you can." Rick walks out of the barn and closes the door. I sigh and walk after him. I close the barn door behind me and see him gearing up cars. I walk up to him as he's kneeled down working on supplies. "I was thinking we could ride with Glenn, Aaron, and Miconne." I suggest.

"Yeah, that'll work. Judith and Carl are safer in there." He says while pointing to the RV.

"You okay?" He asks while standing up. He puts his hand on my cheek. "When you said we were going, was that for real?" I ask and look up into his ocean eyes as he looks down into my hazel ones. He rubs my cheek with his thumb. "We're going." He says while nodding his head. I smile and put my hand on his hand still on my cheek. "This could be a new beginning, for us, for Judith, and Carl. We can be normal agai..."

"Marry me." He says quickly to interrupt me.

"Wh...what?" I say blinking a few times as the smile fades off my face. "Marry me." He repeats.

A few seconds of silence I finally laugh as a tear slips down my cheek as I slam my lips on his. We break apart, "So, is that a yes, Angela Grimes?" He half smiles and laughs. "Yes!" I say as I hug him tight and burry my face in his neck while laughing. "One more thing." He says while reaching into his pocket as I let go of our embrace. He takes out a pretty little diamond ring. I jaw drops open with a gasp. He guides my left hand up and slides the ring on my finger. "I love you, Rick." I say as I look at the ring on my finger. "I love you too Angel." He guides my chin up with his fingertips and pulls me into a passionate kiss.


As the sun went down everyone was gearing up and getting ready to go. Once all the consultations were out we got in our cars and left. Glenn was driving, Rick was in the passenger seat, I was in the back with Aaron and Michonne. The ride was silent with Aaron talking a few times. I didn't really listen. I just was looking down at my ring. "Beautiful ring." Aaron stares while looking down at my finger. I smile at him in response. He gives me a slight smile back.

We continue on the road til there's a hoard of walker in the road. Glenn swerved all over the road while hitting walkers in the process. Then he stopped the car. We were all in shock. The car stopped instantly. Glenn gets out dodging walkers. I get out and cover him. I shoot every walker that gets close. He makes it to the front of the car and pulls out a leg from the vent. Rick starts yelling at Aaron as Aaron runs away. Glenn runs after him. I look up and see a flare up in the night sky. Rick grabs the flare out of his pocket and shoots a walker with it. Michonne, Rick, and I were stuck killing walkers. The car was down and covered in blood.

Glenn comes out with Aaron and explains how Aaron saves his life. Maybe this guy is trust worthy after all.

We make it to a little shop area where everyone else was. "Oh thank god." Rick cried as he hugged Carl and Judith. Beth hugged me first and then I hugged everyone else. Aaron rushes inside the building. Rick and I decide to go see what he was in a rush about. We looked around the corner to see Aaron cuddling a man. He had a hurt ankle. Aaron notices us, "Oh this is my husband, Eric." He says.

"I'm Angela and this is my Husband, Rick." It's nice to meet you." I smile.

Rick clears out another room for our group to get rest. After all what happened tonight we don't need to go anymore.


I wake up to Rick slowly shaking me to wake up. I open my eyes and admire my husband. "It's time to get a move on." He says. I nod my head and grab my stuff. We all have new cars. I get in the passenger as Rick gets in the drivers. Carl gets in the back with his sister. Rick starts the car and drives off.

Rick and I decide to tell Carl about how we are "married" now. He was calm and excited about it. "I love you like a mom, Angela." Carl says. My heart melts, "Thanks bud. Just remember no matter what happens, me and your dad will always be there for you." I explain.

"I know." He says.

We drive past DC. This was where we needed to be to save the world. We finally made it to DC but with no cure to save the world.


We stop in front of the gate we saw in the pictures. Rick turns off the car and we sit for a couple seconds waiting for a sound. A smile forms on my face as I hear children and dogs barking. I look at Rick and his face was blank with hope, hope that this is a new beginning for all of us. I get out and Carl hugs me. I walk to the other side of the car. Rick takes out little Judith. He puts his hand around my waist as we walk with everyone else to the gates. The gate open.

"Welcome to Alexandria."


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