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The next day 

Soraru POV 

Aaaaaah! Mafumafu is late. I'm already at the café we were supposed to meet at. Well, maybe he ditched me. I mean, he doesn't even know me well and we just met yesterday. Still, he's the one who told me to meet him here. He didn't even give me his number so I can't even call him! My mind was on such a panic that I didn't notice Mafumafu walking towards me

"A-Ah! Good morning Soraru~san! I'm reall-really sorry that I'm late!" Mafumafu said as he fumbled with his words. Cute huh!?! 'Cute' This time I don't even have a reason to brush it of as.  So I just ignore it for the sake of ignoring it. 

Mafumafu POV 

Aaaahhh! I'm late. I'm late! I'M LATE! I need to apologize to Soraru~san as soon as I get there. Soraru~san, a strange person whom for some reason only I see. He has dark hair and blue eyes remnant of the sea. He has a deep and husky voice. I forgot to mention it but Soraru~san is a ghost.

The waitress arrived to take our orders. I ordered a strawberry shortcake and I asked Soraru~san what he wanted in advance as the waitress can't see him. He told me that just coffee is fine. Wait can ghost eat and drink things? We got our orders. The shortcake was so sweet and fluffy. 

Soraru~san told me about his life when he was still alive. He lived alone. He liked to sing well he still likes to sing. 

Soraru POV

Mafumafu ordered a strawberry shortcake. He asked me in advance what I wanted. I told him that just a coffee was fine. We got our orders and when Mafumafu took a bite of his shortcake the look on his face was too precious for words to describe. It was like a hamster who had its cheeks stuffed with food. A small smile forms on my face.

I told him about my life when I was still alive. He also told me about his life. He also lived alone. He had two cats named Iroha and Potato and that the first time we met he was supposed to be getting food for his cats.

We finished eating and paid.  We decided to stroll around a park for a while.                                                                                                                                                            

"Soraru~san look!" Mafumafu said as he pointed at a pretty bed of flowers. They were a light shade of purple. "Aren't they beautiful?" He said as he flashed a smile that could brighten up the darkest room. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. Why are you this cute!?!  I thought as I internally screamed. We continued to stroll around for a bit.

"So-Soraru?" I heard a familiar voice say. Lon?  I turned to look at her. She had a surprised look on her face. She dropped her grocery bags and run towards me to hug me....only to pass through me and fall down. Mafumafu helped her up.

"Umm... sorry to interrupt but how can she also see you Soraru~san?" Mafumafu said not meaning to sound rude. Aaahh right he doesn't know who Lon is right.

"Mafumafu this is Lon, my best friend since we were kids and Lon, this is Mafu another person who can see me." I explain. 

"But I thought you were dead?" asked Lon. 


That's the end of this chapter! It kind of ended on a cliff hanger. Sorry!                                    

Like always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll to update sometime this week.

Word count: 572 

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