your favourite memory part 1

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You and niall are going on your first holiday together tommorow. You are really excited because you have always wanted to go to paris. You both decided to go to bed early, niall had fallen asleep already but you just couldn't get to sleep.

       Next day...

you and niall got ready and put your suitcases by the door and waited for your taxi to arrive.
Skip taxi ride.....

you had finally arrived at the airport and you had to do loads of stuff before you could actually go wait for your

Plane. you finished all the checks and whatever they do at airports and where niw waiting for your time to board the plane. When the plane.arrived you and niall boarded and the plane set of but, what niall didn't know was that you where scared of planes......


Part two will be up soon really tired so cant do both parts tonight sorry

And WOW seriously didn't think i would get this many reads thnx to everyone who has read this book

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