Finding my soul mate kind of all started with our town having a notorious "private" hangout spot, me being stuck in a wheelchair, and both of us having a case of insomnia.
Our spot is like that one you always see in movies. The giant hill-mountain thing that overlooks the city or town and everyone's' lights are lit to create a supposedly romantic atmosphere. Except for the fact that my wheels weren't budging and I could hear people getting freaky in the bushes but I couldn't tell if I was attempting to go in the right direction to get away from them because I'm legally blind. It was super fantastic. Note the sarcasm.
Well, anyway, she rescued me by shoving my chair through the grass. I was a little bit scared because all we did was go closer and closer to the moaning. I guess we happened upon the smushing pair because I heard Bern say something like, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that Man Whore is an indigenous species here." Which was so her. Then there came an 'ooph' and we were trucking on. Luckily, it wasn't long before I felt the breeze of the air that was swooping over the top of our stupid city-town.
That's how I met Bernadeth Chai.
A/N: Heyo, reader. I'm doing this story as a grade in creative writing during Nanowrimo. Helpful critism is super duper appreciated. Vote for what ya like and comment when you feel bothered to. Thanks. :)