Chapter 4. I need you please dont leave me

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A year past. , and I started gaining my confidence back , and I started thinking positively and I felt more happy, I graduated last year from elementary school , and I went to a new school with new friends
* flashback*
It's my first day here at this school I'm really nervous , I don't know anyone here , so I came with my mom to because there is no busses here for the first day , she gave me a drive before going to her work , I interred my class that I had for the first period , so this school have a different kind of class distribution , so I think I might take time to get used to this way .
* end of flashback *
So I've been happy with my new friends , Han-Sulli and park-sora ,they've been really nice to me, and when I thought of it it's really nice to have friend that's nice with you and stay with you for your personality.It have been a nice year I finished the first semester calmly.
It was a day of February ,it was a gloomy day even though It was a day in February but that day felt kinda cold , I wore my school uniform , ate breakfast that our maid did to me , took my schools snack and went down to wait for the but I didn't say goodbye to my parents because they were sleeping and I didn't want to annoy them , the bus came I went to school , that day was really calm , I sat beside the locker studying for my social studies repetition exam because I kinda failed the first one .
Suddenly ,Sulli and sora came towards me "hi ! " they approached , " hey " I replied " why ur so calm today " sora asked , " oh nothing I'm just studying for the exam , don't wanna fail like I did before 😓" , " do you want any help "Sulli asked , " I'm fine it's okay , but thanks anyways "," oh it's already 8 class is starting in 5 minutes we should hurry " , we went to the class and OMG , guess what we had , we had the most horrible and boring period , yes most of us hates it , it's math , yeah I can't believe how did I survived in the class , but thank god the teacher didn't notice me , I had the chance to lay my head on the table and sleep for some time , the period finished and now 2 periods left for break , oh how amazing , I need to survive science now for a block period AKA 2 periods , and again I survived thank to God , and the periods finished and its break time , "YES , finally " the whole class shouted after the teacher left , sora and Sulli went to the back to chat with the other girls , they asked me to come but I regretted because I wanted to study, so I kept studying while eating my frosty bar , and decided to go the other class to ask my friends for some help and explanation , so you would probably know them , yes they are sarang and ailee , that explained most of the stuff that I didn't understand , the bell rang , and the break finished on my way to the class one of my classmates called me ,she told me that I'm going home and one of the ladies who is working in the administration is looking for me , I walked little bit and I saw her with the 'out of school permission pass' thingie , and she said it's really important you have to go the reception right now because it's a death condition , I panicked at that time because , my uncle was in a coma for a while , I went to the class running , all what I'm hoping is not to know who is the one who passed away , as soon as I reached the class , I grabbed whatever book a saw on my desk and shoved it inside my bag , I went running to the reception , seeing my mom wearing black clothes not wearing anything colorful , I saw her from afar ran as fast as I can towards her ,and asked her in panic "MOM! What's happening , I heard we are having a death situation , MOM Please tell me !!!! 😰😭" , " sweetie calm down nothing happened I just wanted to grab a coffee with you " , " MOM are you serious , the school will never let me go to home if it's not serious , mom please I need to know , it's impossible that they tell me it's a death situation , and you are wearing all black in black and it's nothing serious " , " oh god , why the hell did she made you freak out , she should've not told you it's a death situation " " so there is something " I insisted , " oh well , sweetie you know , in this world everything haves an ending , and we should believe that God will never do something that's bad for us " ," mom please get in the topic you're freaking me out" , " well yesterday late at night , the hospital called us to inform us that your uncle , situation is starting to get really intense , and his blood pressure has dropped really low ,and his brain is nearly not functioning, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you but , after we went to the hospital we stopped at your grandmothers house to calm her down , and when we arrived it was already 5 AM in the morning " " SO UNCLE DIED ?!!!! " I screamed , " I'm so sorry Shannon but we can't handle it , your uncle now is in a better place and he is feeling much better " , " no it can't be , your lying , uncle didn't die he is still in the hospital getting his medications , no it's not true , your lying to me !!" I replied , " Shannon calm down , why would I lie to you in such a topic it's true , I know your in shock but please we are in reality every one is gonna die in the end !" , and then I realized that we are really in reality , and that's when I started crying my chest out at my moms shoulder, I cried so loudly that the girls that's at the outside of the reception heard me , and looked to my at pity , I felt that the world was so dark that day and I felt like I don't need to exist in this life.

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