
13K 362 40

16 January 2001


NATALIA WAS LYING ON her bed for what seemed like the millionth time in over a month. She was on her back now that her stomach had swelled enough for it to be uncomfortable to lay on. Natalia wasn't thinking about anything; she just starred at the white ceiling, not feeling any strong emotions. Her hands were atop her growing belly.

A knock came from behind her door. Natalia didn't bother to answer or call out; she knew whoever was behind the metal would enter as they pleased. As she expected, the door slowly opened due to the lady pulling a cart in behind her. It had a monitor identical to the original one that was used to confirm Natalia's pregnancy. "Ms. Romanov, I'm here for your monthly checkup." Natalia wanted to roll her eyes, but refrained from doing so.  She already knew what she was here for.

    "Yes ma'am," Natalia responded. She wasn't worried about this ultrasound. Something was telling her that her child was perfectly healthy, and she believed it — must be the motherly instinct kicking in already.

Wordlessly, the lady put the same gel on the wand that had been used previously. Holding the wand in one hand, she flipped a switch to turn the monitor on. After it booted up, the black and white static-like screen was displayed.

"Lift your shirt," she instructed Natalia. Natalia did as told and pulled her shirt up over her small bump. The lady put the gel covered wand on her stomach, sending shivers through her body due to the gel's lower temperature than her body's. The monitor was positioned at an angle that Natalia could see. Her child had grown a lot since December. They had grew from the size of a tiny apple seed to a blueberry. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make Natalia feel giddy.

Natalia still wasn't sure what her stance on her situation was, but it's not like she had much of a choice of changing where she's at. Some days the thought of having a biological child excited her. Other days it felt like a burden or a weakness. And if there was one thing Natalia feared most, it was a weakness.

She likes to blame her shifts of opinion on hormones. Natalia has started using her hormones as a way to mask her weakness — this child. She might feel hate toward it for getting her into the small isolation room, but deep down she knows she would always give her life for their's.

    "It looks like the subject is healthy." The woman looked closely at the screen. "It is a little to be positive, but I can try to find the sex of the subject for you," the lady looked over at Natalie. "Yes ma'am, I'd like to know," she told the woman, biting her lip to hide the excitement that filled her. The lady nodded her head and moved her wand around Natalia's stomach for a minute. Once she had found the right position, she stared at the screen for about forty seconds. "The subject is a boy."

    Pure excitement ran through Natalia. Though she would much rather her baby be healthy than a specific gender, she was definitely rooting for a boy in the back of her mind.

    The woman removed the wand from Natalia's stomach and handed her a towel she had on her cart to wipe the excess gel from her stomach. "In five weeks your chances of a miscarriage with drop to only ten percent. This is when Madam B will call for the first stages of stage one to commence," The woman informed Natalia. Without saying another word, she pushed her cart out of Natalia's small room, leaving her behind.

Though Natalia was buzzing with excitement at knowing her baby's gender, she couldn't help but dwell on what she had said. What would they do to her, or more importantly, her baby?

    "Stop Natalia, you're being weak," she whisper yelled at herself. She had been trying her hardest to not allow this baby to take over her emotions, but she can't help but feel protective over him. She wanted to be the best assassin, but it would now be hard to do with a weakness she cannot avoid growing inside her uterus. She shook her head and attempted to clear her mind, but her mind had floated back to his gender. His.

    "I can finally call you something other than baby." She smiled, looking at the ceiling. Her hormones were getting the best of her now for she had started to tear up. "I can think of your name now." She fiddled with the hem of her shirt. "I hope they'll let me name you."




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