
10.6K 307 37

10 August 2001
[part two]


Natalia held Peter close to her chest, not wanting to let him go. She wanted to hold him until he grew too big to fit into her arms. Then, she'd force him to hug her every chance she got. However, she knew this wasn't what life had installed for them. These people — Madam B specifically — will take her baby in mere minutes.

Natalia looked into his eyes again and he was looking back at her. It was as if he was mesmerized by her. Tears welded up in her own eyes and Pyotr started to maneuver his arm out of the swaddle the nurses wrapped him in. "No, no. Stay in there," Natalia whispered to him, pushing his arm back into the blanket. He pouted and Natalia smiled.

She looked up from her son and asked, "Madam, please, may I ask what's going to happen next?" Madam B smiled at her, "You and Pyotr will stay together in a bigger room, but only until you are fully recovered. Once you are recovered, you will join the rest of the girls. Graduation is upon us." Natalia nodded her head and smiled at Madam B, "Thank you, Madam."


Natalia and Pyotr had been moved to a room almost exactly like her previous one, except it was slightly larger. It had just enough extra room for a crib, changing table, and a corner full of supplies needed to check care of  Pyotr.

Natalia — with the help of of few nurses — sat down on her new bed. She was then handed Pyotr from Madam B.

Madam B started explaining to Natalia what was going to happen in the coming weeks. "You will not have Pyotr all the time. We will need to take him for tests and checkups. You will stay in here, just like before. Understand?" Natalia nodded her head, "Of course Madam." "Good. Now, I'll let you two rest."

Madam B left the room with the nurses following her, the last one shutting the door behind herself.

Natalia looked down at her son, getting ready to talk to him for what seemed like the millionth time already.

"Isn't this nice?" she asked him. "I was sure they would immediately take you away." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I have been blessed with more time with you. I'll get to watch you grow up for a few weeks — that's all I've been asking for."

A tear fell from her eye and she let out a sob. Pyotr reacted to this and started to pout. "No, no. Pyotr, it's okay. Mama just wishes she could give you a better life. I wish we weren't trapped in these walls."

Pyotr stopped pouting as if he knew what he was just told, but yawned. "Looks like someone is tired," Natalia said. She started to rock him, and he slowly drifted to sleep.

Once she was sure her son was no longer awake, she slowly stood up, carful not to irritate her stitches. She slowly walked over to his crib and bent down to place him inside it.

She laid him down, then kissed his forehead. "Sleep tight baby. Mama loves you."


that's nice. now, the plot thickens.


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