Chapter 2 A Frightening Discovery

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Shintaro woke up slowly and, with equal speed, rose from bed. After getting dressed in his black sweat pants, black v-neck, and red jacket, he looked at his clock. 11:37, it read.

"I guess I forgot to set my alarm last night. Kido is probably starting to fix lunch right about now......" Shintaro muttered to himself. Shintaro openned his door, only to meet a deafening silence. He walked down the empty hallways to the living room that was always filled with noise, only to find it silent. Shintaro hardly got nervous, but this was an exception.

The NEET quickly walked to Ayano's room and knocked on the door.

"Ayano? Ayano? You in there?" Shintaro said loudly. The door was openned by a blurry-eyed Ayano, still in her pajamas, though her scarlet scarf never seemed to detatch from her. Ayano slowly woke up and blushed slightly at her apperal and bedhead.

"One minute, please." she said while quickly closing the door to get changed. Shintaro, blushing ever so slightly, waited for the brunet to come out. Ayano came out after a few minutes in a light purple long-sleeve shirt with tan pants, a pair of light green converse, a clean red scarf and her famous two horizontal hairclips.

"I noticed the time! I can't believe I overslept! I promised Kido that I'd make breakfast!" Ayano said laughing slightly with a nervous grin.

"No one is there!" Shintaro said.

"What do you mean by that? Of course everyone is here! No one left!" Ayano said with a smile.

"The living room and hallways are all empty, Ayano." Sintaro said with a slightly worried tone in his voice. Ayano paused and looked like she was thinking really hard.

"Maybe Kido just forgot to sent her alarm. We should check on her." Ayano said steping out of her room and beginning to walk towards the Commander's room. 

Once they got to the door, they heard soft crying on the other side. "Kido?" Ayano said gently knocking on the door, "I'm coming in. You ok?" Turning the nob and entering revealed an empty bedroom with the sounds of crying continuing.

"Kido, stop using your eye ablity. If something is wrong tell me." Ayano said, trying to use her own eye ablity on the invisible girl. A sudden push on Ayano, almost making her fall, caused a short, green-haired girl to appear. The child was wearing one of Kido's hoodies that was obviously too big for her, as it fitted her more like a dress instead of a sweatshirt as it was made to be.

"O-nee-chan! What happened?! I woke up and everything looked bigger, my clothes don't fit, my voice is higher, and I'm having a hard time remembering things! Plus, I can hardly control my power!" the girl said, sobbing into Ayano's thigh, which was as high as she reached in height.

"K-Kido?!" Ayano said in shock.

"Wait. That can't be Kido! Maybe it's Kano just playing a prank on us." Shintaro said, nervous but trying to look annoyed.

"Um, Shintaro, can you go check on the others for me?" Ayano asked, worry filling every word. Shintaro sighed, but did what he was told.

He walked to the next bedroom, which was his sister's room.

"Momo? You awake yet?" Shintaro asked while knocking on the door. The door was openned to show a shorter version of the idol.

"Brotherrrrrrrr!" she exclaimed while hugging his leg.

'How old is she?! Four?!' Shintaro thought surprised.

'Wait. Oh, oh no......' Shintaro thought. "Momo, did you wake up like this?" the NEET asked, fear creeping in. Momo nodded. Shintaro instantly turned around and knocked loudly on Takane's beroom door.

"TAKANE! OPEN UP!" Shintaro yelled, getting extremely freaked out. He openned the door to find a toddler Takane pouting on the bed.

"You didn't have to yell!" the raven-haired girl said angrily, "It's bad enough that I woke up as a child!" Shintaro was very confused and thoroughly freaked out.

"Why is everyone children?!" he thought angrily to himself. "O-nii-chan? What do we do?" Momo asked, pulling on his pants leg. Shintaro grabbed his head with one hand and replied, "Everyone to the living room. We need to sort this out."

A few minutes later......

Everyone was gathered in the main room. Kido, Kano, and Seto all looked to be about six, Momo and Mary looked about four, Hibiya looked two, and Takane and Haruka were both around eight.

"W-why am I smaller Seto?" cried Mary who was cuddling into him, extremely upset.

"I don't know...." Seto said in a defeated tone.

"Oh dear. What if we are stuck like this forever? Would we have to relive our lives from the age we are now? Ah, we might even have to go to elementary school again." Kano said with his signiture smrik.

"Sc-school?" Mary asked nervously.

"Oh yes. School is a place where they teach you a lot of things in a room full of other kids your age. But the one problem is that all the kids pick on people that are different." the cat-eyed boy continued.

"D-different? Pick on?" Mary stuttered looking scared.

Kano continued with a chuckle, "Ah, I remember the days, I'd walk down the hallway to see five boys surrounding and teasing a poor little girl because of her outfit! It was horrible! The girl ran off crying a lot." Apon hearing this, Mary was about to start doing what the girl in Kano's story did.

"Kano!" Ayano snapped at the blond while Kido's hand delieved the punishment to his stomach.

Kano curled up in a ball and cried in pain, "I was only kidding!" Ayano sighed.

"We need to work together here! Time to brainstorm, what could have caused this?" Ayano said beginning to pace. Shintaro sighed.

"Ayano, I don't think we'd be able to figure this out with the minimal information we have. Let's wait and see what happens." he said looking at the younger Dan.

"I guess so." Ayano said with a sigh and a pout.

"So does that mean we're staying children for a while?" asked Haruka.

"Shintaro kinda just said that." Takane said while crossing her arms.

"Well," Ayano said in a determined tone, "since we're at a stand still. Who wants to help make lunch?" A chorus of 'Yes!' filled the room comfirming the first mission of the little Dan. Cooking lunch.

AN: Second chapter is out!! \^_^/ i hope you all are enjoying this!!!! If you do please let me know! And feel free to give me funny ideas for the story in the comments. I'm always willing to take suggestions if you want a certain child character to do something. and with that i leave you. 

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