Chapter 4 Out Of Control

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It had been three days of chaos trying to care of the younger versions of the Dan. Shintaro was feed up with it from the start, hopelessly remembering what his mother did to care for Momo in his childhood. Sadly, his memory turned up short since he was at school most of the time and the rest was spent reading or only playing with his younger sister. 

"Ugh, I can't take this anymore!" Shintaro yelled at the several Dan members that had followed Takane's lead in a dogpile on the NEET. Takane and Momo, who were directly on top of him giggled. Seto and Mary were on top with Haruka, Kido, and Kano beneath them. Hibiya, being the smallest, was not in the pile of children on Shintaro. Ayano was trying to get Takane to call it off, since the children had decided to only listen to the black haired girl. 

"Takane Enomoto! Get all of you off Shintaro now!" Ayano demanded, slowly getting fed up with this, but trying to stay calm. 

"The NEET deserves it! He drank ALL of my favorite soda!" Takane whinned. 

"That is no reason to get everyone of top of him! You're going to hurt him!" Ayano said, anger still rising. 

"Too late....." Shintaro said in annoance and pain. 

Ayano's rage was about to break, and Kano noticed and instantly got worried, knowing what could happen if she got really mad. 

"Uh, guys. It might be best if we get off." Kano annouced. Seto had already noticed Ayano getting mad and instantly got himself and Mary off from the top, and they were followed quickly by Kano and Kido. Takane, Momo, and Haruka were oblivious to the power of Ayano's anger and stayed on top of the NEET. Kido whispered in Haruka's ear and the boy instantly removed himself from the pile and stepped back, looking nervously at Ayano. 

Kido disappeared as soon as it started, Ayano got very mad and pulled the two girls roughly off Shintaro. They were both severely lectured by the raging scarffed girl. It surprisingly took a while for Ayano to think that they were properly punished. Once Ayano released them, Momo instantly went to her brother to apologize while Takane stubbornly crossed her arms and pouted, getting her not only a knot on the head, but also earning her a spot in the cornor. 

It was soon realized that Kido was missing. Seto and Mary went out to look for the green-haired girl as Kano wondered off somewhere by himself. Everyone else wanted to play a game, but, having been a place where teenagers lived, the house had no games that could entertain a small child. So, Haruka came up with one. Using his eye abilities best he could, Haruka would pick someone up on his back and dash around the hideout, trying to be careful not to make a mess. Everyone enjoyed it a lot except for the newly found Kido, who had never been fond of anything that was similar to a rollercoster. 

The day contnued with Takane accidently going in and out of the computer at random times, Kido disappearing regardless of what was going on, Mary accidentally freezing almost everyone, Seto migrating to the opposite side of the hideout so he didn't get a headache from the voices in his head, Haruka being very forgetful while either running are inhumanly fast or picking on furniture looking for anything he could have lost, Momo having to stay hidden inside from crowds surrounding the building at random times, Hibiya exclaiming at sights that were a distance away, and Kano still unable to be found. 

"Uh, Hibiya, do you think you could find Kano?" asked a nervous Kido. 

"I guess, but why do you care?" the boy asked with the raising of an eyebrow. He recieved a glare in return. Hibiya acivated his eye abiliy and looked throughout the hideout. He searched for the blond deceiver and eventually found him walking towards the living room. 

"Found him. Kano is coming this way, but way...." Hibiya told Kido. It wasn't long till said person entered the living room, in his full height and looking his age. All the Dan members jaws dropped. 

"How did you do that?!" demanded Kido, who looked very mad. 

"Ah~ Well, I'll never tell. I guess I'm just lucky, Tsubomi." the blond said while smirking. The enraged ghost girl tried to hit the blond, but he easily dodged. Kido tripped on her oversized hoodie that she wore more like a dress since they lacked attire for small children. The deceiver laughed.

"Put me down!" Kido screamed while kicking at Kano, but her legs were just barely too short. 

"Why would I do that? Tsubomi looks cute in her oversized hoodie." Kano replied with a smirk. Kido was blushing brightly while trying to get free, eventually kicking Kano in the face and being dropped. Kido landed on her back with a thump. Kano staggered back and looked at the fallen Kido and could barely disguse his blush. Kido instantly got up and pulled down her hoodie-dress, embarrassed. Kano took his opportunity. 

"Aw, Tsubomi! You look all embarrassed and cute!" Kano said with a smirk. 

"I-idiot....." Kido muttered while hiding in a cornor and pouting. 

After Ayano thoroughly scolded Kano, the Dan decided to get to work. Since they didn't know how long any of them would be children, Ayano issued mission, "Shopping for clothes!"

Shintaro sighed, this was gonna be one horrible field-trip.

A/N:Hey guys! 8D sorry it's been so long since i've updated this! i've had writer's block but i got it now! ^_^ btw if you have a funny idea you want the baby Dan to do, comment or pm me! 83 that is all! bye-bye for now!

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