Chapter 3 Cooking Catastrophe

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Cooking lunch was a disaster. Shintaro had decided to stay in the living room in wait while everyone else cooked. Ayano had wanted all the miniture Dan members to help make lunch. It was simple really: make rice, cook meat and vegetables, heat sause, mix it all together.

It didn't exactly work like that. 

While Ayano got out the recipe and ingedients, Kano thought if would be funny to scare Mary while she was watching Momo try to find a footstool. Kano, sneakily creaking up behind the Medusa, threw his hands on her shoulders and yelled in her ear. The reaction was almost as he expected. Mary screamed so high-pitched and loud that it startled Ayano into dropping the glass bowl she was taking out of the cabnet. Seto, being a life saver while diving to catch the dish, got it just before it hit the floor and inevidally shattering.

"That was close, good catch Seto!" Ayano said, hand to her chest in an attempt to calm her heartrate. Mary had begun to cry, very loudly. Kano was laughing slightly then his expression slowly changed to shame for terrifying the poor little girl.

"Mary? I'm sorry." Kano said while stepping in front of her and trying to look her in the eye.

Mary's eyes openned, tear filled and red with rage, and she screamed, "You're a meanie!!!" Kano suddenly couldn't find himself able to move.

"Mary! You froze him!" Ayano said.

Kido poked the unmoving boy's face and muttered, "At least he's learning his lesson, and we get the blessing of him being quiet." Takane, hearing it, began to laughing as if she was just told the funniest joke it the world. 

Shortly after than mishap and Kano had reganned the ability to move, Ayano put the rice in the rice cooker and started on the meat and vegetables.

"Can I do it, Big Sis?" Kido asked while pulling up and chair so she could properly reach it.

"Of course! You remeber how right?" Ayano asked, smiling.

"Yes." Kido said while climbing on the seat and standing on it. It was then when a crashing noise occured. Everyone, save Kido, turned to see Hibiya almost buried in pots and pans and a embarrassed, giggling Momo on the counter with an open cabniet behind her.

"Oba-San! That hurt!!!!" Hibiya whined while getting up by getting everything off of him.

"I'm literally like four! I'M NOT OLD SO STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!" Momo said in a rage. Suddenly, the miniture idol pounced on him and they began westling while screaming at each other. That is when Ayano decided enough was enough. She stormed over to the fighting pair and yanked them apart.

"Cut it out! No fighting! Espically not in the kitchen! Now both of you clean up this mess! And no more agruing!" Ayano said, trying to hide her anger and doing poorly.

"Yes Ayano-san" the idol and shorta both muttered in submission and started picking up the pots and pans. Ayano sighed, hoping that they could finish preparing lunch in peace. 

It didn't work the way she hoped. Next thing anyone knew, Kido was screaming. Ayano turned to see a fire in front of the green haired girl. Kido began to panic and scream while running backwards, causing her to fall from to chair.

"Haruka! Go get the hose from outside quick!" Ayano commanded while turning off the stove.

"Kano please get Kido out of here!" the brunet continued giving out commands. Kano ran to the side of the crying green-hair girl that was on the verge of an anxiety attack.

"Kido! Kido!" the blond said while shaking her, trying to snap her out of it. Kido looked up at Kano with tear-filled eyes.

"Come on, Tsubomi." Kano said while grabbing her hand gently. Kido went with Kano out of the kitchen and continued to cry hysterically in Kano's arms. 

Meanwhile, Haruka ran in holding the end of the garden hose and turned on the water, dousing the burning food. First, though, he managed to cover the room in water. A soaking Takane snatched the hose from Haruka and turned it off looking extremely mad.

"Haruka! Can't you aim straight!" Takane yelled in a rage.

"I-I thought that it would go straight on the fire! I-I'm sorry Takane!" Haruka stuttered while tearing up from Takane's yelling and anger. An instant feeling of regret washed over Takane.

"No don't cry Haruka....... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled....." the black haired girl said, eyes downcast. Haruka looked Takane in the eyes.

"I forgive you, Takane!" he said right as he hugged her. Takane's face turned bright red as arms were around her.

"L-let go of me, you idiot!" Takane said, careful not to yell, while blushing brightly and tried to get the impossibly strong boy off her. Haruka's eyes were red as he refused to remove his arms from around the girl.

"But Takane is so much fun to hug! I don't want to let Takane go!" Haruka exclaimed, laughing.

Next thing anyone knew, a camera flashed. Everyone turned to see Kano holding the electronic. "Oh, so going to keep this!" the cat-eyed boy laughed while holding the camera close.

"KANOOOOOOOOO!" the now enraged Takane screamed. Haruka, even with his inhuman strength, knew better than to hold her back when she's mad. So Haruka released the pigtailed girl to seek her revenge, though he did so unhappily. Kano's eyes widened in realization, but he had less than a second to react. So he ran. 

As the furious Takane chased a terrified Kano around the hideout, Ayano sighed and looked at the kitchen.

"Well......This didn't go as planned.....Seto, Mary, Momo, and Hibiya please help me clean up. Haruka, try to save Kano then calm Takane down." the brunet said starting to be filled with fatigue.

"Yes ma'am!" all the addressed children stated in response before going to do as they were told. It was at that point that Shintaro walked into the kitchen.

"Not going to ask....." he muttered before turning around and closing the door behind him. 

AN: This was hilarious to write. A few side notes....... Baka means idiot, Hai is yes, and I've always assumed that Kido would have a huge fear of fire, since that's how her and her sister entered the Heat Haze. 

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