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Hello, new readers!

I'm very excited to start this story! It's going really well so far (I'm working ahead), and I'm kind of surprising myself with how dedicated I am to this story. Normally I have a really hard time sticking to projects.

As you probably know, this will be a Sans x Reader fanfiction. I'm kind of trying to keep the Reader character as blank slate-y as possible (although female because it would be kind of difficult to make Reader gender neutral with the temporary name I'm going to give them), so let me know if I fudge something and give them some too-definite-features, let me know so I can fix it. I kind of do this chapter by chapter and don't go back to read my work, so let me know if you feel like there's something I should fix or whether or not I should rewrite a chapter. I am eager to hear your guys' feedback on my writing! Im not completely new to fanfiction, let alone writing in general, but this is my first X Reader so it would be a great help if I could get some of that sweet, sweet constructive criticism.

I will include any acronyms you will need to know at the beginning of each chapter as well as a quick recap of last chapter(because let's be honest here, you'll forget some stuff by the time I get around to updating again), so if you don't know any of the shorthand I use you can always refer to the beginning of the chapter.

I'm planning on updating this story every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, so that I'll be able to work on other stories in the mean time. If I don't have a chapter ready I fully intend to give you guys some sort of update, even if it isn't an actual part of the actual story.

One last thing! All of my end notes will, most likely, contain some sort of question for the readers that I kind of want to use to improve how I run my story or just because. That being said...

1) If I make a chapter longer than my usual 2,000-ish words, would you rather I just give you guys a longer update or would you want, like, a surprise chapter or a cushion chapter in case I fall behind?

2) Would you all be interested in little 'bonus updates' on the 5th Wednesday of the month, if there is one? If so, please recommend what sorts of things you would like me to do for it!

3) If I do end up having to skip an update, what would you want me to upload in place of a chapter? Things like QnA's or something? Let me know what you think!

Thank you all for checking out this story. I look forward to your responses and opinions to future updates!


Amnesia (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now