Chapter 2: Ocean Blue

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Hello my lovely readers!

Last chapter, you woke up on a bed of golden flowers with no memory of your past. You met a sentient flower named Flowey, who almost killed you. You had your first flashback before being rescued by the caretaker of the ruins, our own lovely Toriel.

The Warnings for this chapter include a description of a panic attack.

Sorry that this chapter is a bit late, I had some last-minute editing I forgot to do. Let me know if there are any mistakes I need to fix or points I need to clarify and enjoy the chapter!


     Toriel led you through the Ruins, casting worried glances at you every now and then. When you reached her home, you couldn't help but smile at the quaint building. It seemed to fit Toriel well.

     She ushered you through the front door, into a small foyer-like room. It opened into a dining room to your left and a hallway on the right, with a staircase leading into what you supposed led to the basement against the back wall.

     Toriel moved towards the hallway. "Come, my child. You must be tired." She stopped at the first door, opening it to reveal a room decorated to fit a child. "I apologize for the mess. I was not expecting a guest, so I was not able to tidy up before you came. Please, make yourself at home."

     The goat monster left, leaving you alone in the dimly lit room.

     You closed the door behind you, slipping out of your shoes and sitting on the small bed. It had been a long day, and fatigue was starting to wear you down. You were dazed and weren't quite processing what had happened.

     But you had remembered something. Just a second of some painful memory, right when you thought you were going to die, but you remembered it!

     It had come to you when you were on the brink of death, though. You weren't sure if you wanted to risk dying to remember your past.

     Maybe if you just gave yourself enough time, it would come back.


     You awoke to the sweet smell of baked goods wafting into your borrowed room. The tempting aromas pulled you, drooling, from your borrowed bed. You padded down the hallway, following your nose past the room with the staircase and into a living area, part of which was taken up by the dining table.

     Toriel was sitting in a large plush armchair that was pulled up to the fireplace in the living area half of the room, a worn book open on her lap. She looked up as you entered, a soft smile on her face.

     "Ah, my child! I did not expect you to awaken so soon," Toriel remarked, setting her book down and standing. "How are you feeling?"

     "Um... better, I think?" The sleep you had gotten had helped you process what had happened, at least. No more memories had come back to you in the middle of the night, though.

     Toriel let out a soft gasp. "Oh, you must be hungry! Come, I finished baking a pie while you were sleeping. I did not have the opportunity to ask you what you preferred, but I hope you enjoy butterscotch and cinnamon." She disappeared into the kitchen, returning a few seconds later with a steaming pie in one hand and a pair of plates and silverware in the other. She carefully sets the items on the table, cutting two slices from the pie and plating them.

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