
18 1 3

I'm haunted,

Not by a ghost,

But by a memory.

A memory of your smiling face, your laugh.

Everywhere I go, I see you.

You haunt my thoughts, night and day

Never did I think that I would have to say


You left me,

Cold, empty and alone.

Tears streaming down my face as you walked far far away

Cold hands grip my heart,

Crushing it.

Every time I think of you,

My heart shatters into smaller and smaller pieces.

I am numb,


And for that,

I would like to thank you,



Authors Note: I'm just emotionally unstable tonight, so that's wonderful. Enjoy the poem. Its dedicated to my "friend".

Other than that, 

Y'all have a nice night. And if you live in San Antonio like I do, please be safe. Zeus is throwing a hissy fit. Storming pretty bad. *sighs* 

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