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Life is funny, what you do doesn't seem to matter much. Death is not so funny, it's dark and messy. Taylor- dead, my dad- dead, Clare- dead and I'm still stuck here wondering to beg for death or life. I heard the doctor say Clare had bleeding in her brain, that they couldn't do anything for her with the added hypothermia it just got worse. Taylor's crushed body weight caved in and crushed her lungs. My dad died on site of the crash him and I went throw the windshield, I only survived because I landed on him.
"How's this work? Do I just tell you what I want?" I ask the air, no answer as you would think. A few girls from cheer stop by, some of Max's friends, a teacher or two, Max doesn't leave. I wish he could hear me, if I want to talk to anyone right now it's him. My mom is asleep in a chair, Wendy is watch videos of Clare, Max just looks at me in the bed. I gasp, I feel a spark pain in my back. My thing beeps. I watch the nurses take everyone out, the doctors surround me saying things I can't understand. I scream my side hurts so bad, the doctors stuck a bunch of ivs in me and it slowly goes away.
"What happened?" I hear my mom ask.
"Is She alive?" I hear Max.
"Answer the questions stupid." Wendy snaps. After a few minutes they let everyone back in, I can't leave them.
"I wanna live." I say. "Please, they need me. I wanna live." There's a flash and my head hurts, I sit up screaming. I look around I'm the girl in the bed again. I start crying and I can't stop, I flinch when I feel a hand on mine. I look and it's Max.
"It's gonna be ok." I says, I can't control it and I kiss him.
"I love you too." I say then I pass out.
Taylor and Clare running around in the grass by the house. Dad's laugh.  Cheer. Max. Mom. Wendy's scream. The crash, oh the crash. Glass. blood. Death.
"Aaaaahh!" I scream.
"Scarlett it's ok." My mom says taking my hand.
"Mommy." I say crying into her shoulder.
"I know baby. I know." She says. I notice Wendy and  Max.
"Wendy." I say with open arms, she runs over and hugs me and we cry together. Max slowly walks over.
"Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?" He asks.
"Yeah, Sorry. It's just I could hear you and-" I start but he cuts me off with a hug and kiss on my hair.
"I'm so glad your alive honey." My mom says holding me longer.
"Um me too mom." I say.
"I just wish I could have said goodbye to everyone else." I say tearing up.
"Like my girlfriend." Wendy snaps without thinking.
"You can't say that to me." I say.
"What?" She asks.
"She was your girlfriend and I know you loved her but she was my sister." I snap. Wendy gets up and leaves in a huff almost running into a nurse coming into the room.
"We need to talk about what you want to do with the bodies." She says to my mom, she nods and goes with her.
"Bodies." I say under my breath. Then I break, those bodies are my family. My dad and sisters who I love. I started crying and shaking, then the flash starts.
The car slides. Glass breaks, Taylor screams, blood, smoke. I've ripped out the IVs and fallen out of the bed at the floor. "No,no, no! Dad! Taylor! Clare! Aha!" I scream on the floor some nurses run in and try to calm me down but I hit them away I can't stop seeing the crash and the body bags. "Get away from me! You didn't save them!" I yell hitting them back and crying, I'm hysterical.
"Scarlett. Scarlett it's ok, please chill out." Max says pushing through to me. I'm shaking on the floor grabbing my head.
"No, no, no." I cry out hysterically. He goes to touch me and flinch.
"It's ok. It's just me, it's alright." Max says, I basically jump into his lap and throw my arms around him and cry into him. A nurse comes over and tries to get me back into the bed, I hold onto Max and hid my face in his chest.
"I'll put her back in the bed." Max tells her.
"She's gonna need the pain medication from the IV, I really need to take care of it." She says. Max lifts me up and back into the bed so the nurse can put the IV in. Max goes to walk away but I grab his arm.
"Don't go." I whisper, the pain meds are making me sleepy.
"You can sleep Scar, I'll be right here when you wake up." He says laying in the bed next to me.
"I'm sorry." I whisper.
"For what?" He asks, I can barely stay awake.
"The fight we had. I don't want you to go, ever." I tell him, I don't know if he says anything back because I give into the sleep.
I wake up screaming again, I look around confused for a minute.
"Shh, it's ok." Max says sleepy from next to me.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that." I tell him still sitting up.
"It's alright and completely understandable." He says leaning on his arm so he can half sit up to talk to me.
"W-what if it never stops?" I ask my voice shaking a bit.
"Give it time it'll be ok Scar, your still here." He says.
"Everyone else is." I whisper.
"Not your mom, not me. Wendy will come around she's grieving." Max says.
"Thank the lord for that. I never meant to tell you I didn't need you or w-want you around I j-j-just." I choke out starting to cry. I start shaking, I can't help it I'm so assumed of myself for what happened. I guess I was just mad because I like him a lot.
"Hey now stop that, I was a dick. And I'm so sorry." He says putting his one hand on my arm and the other he pulls me closer by the waist. I lean over to kiss him, I don't know why it took me so long to see I wanted this, wanted him.

The sixth of JuneWhere stories live. Discover now