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I'm walking down the hall and I see blood, a trail of it going down the stairs. I walk along the side of the blood to the stairs, this can't be real. I get to the step and look down Clare's body is here covered in blood. I scream and fall down the steps onto the body, I'm covered in her blood. I scream again.
"Scarlett. Scarlett stop." Max says grabbing me and pulling me back to the real world. There's no blood and no body.
"There was blood." I whisper.
"No love there's not. It's ok." He says holding me in the floor.
"What's wrong with me." I say tearing up.
"Nothing. You've been through a lot, it's ok." He says.
"I'm seeing things." I whisper crying a little.
"Shh. It ok, I'm right here alright." He tells me.
"I'm losing my mind. Oh god I'm crazy." I say shaking.
"No, it's ok. Things happen it's ok." He says kissing the top of my head. Max stats a for a bit and drives me to school. I'm walking in the hall and I look up to try and find the clock and I see Clare. She's just standing there, covered in blood with a gash on the left side of her head, she had glass in her hair and head gash.
"Scarlett. Scarlett. Why'd you leave me?" She says her voice has an eco. She starts walking to me with her hand out.
"No." I say.
"Scarlett." She whispers, she grads my throat and I scream. I snap back to reality still screaming, everyone is looking at me. I run, I don't know where I'm going I just run. As I run I see glass and blood, broken windshield, tires, glass with blood on it. I turn a sharp corner and fall over something, a body bag. It's open a bit, dad. I get out and run again.
"Scarlett. Honey come home." My dad says, he's following me.
  "I was just there." I say my back against a tree.
"Home with us. Your family." He says.
"You can't be here....your d-dead." I stutter.
"You should be too honey, you cheated the system darling." He says touching my hair. He has a tree branch in his stomach and glass in his skin, definitely dead.
"No dad." I choke out.
"It's ok Scarlett." Taylor says walking out from the trees, she has a smashed in arm and big things of glass in the side, along with a big bloody gash on her leg.
"No, no." I say. Clare walks out too now.
"You don't think I wanna be alive to big sis? I wanna see my girlfriend, but no I'm dead." She snaps.
"This isn't real. Your all dead." I say to myself.
  "Come with us Scarlett, we can all be dead together." Taylor says.
"Come on honey." Dad agrees.
"No, no, go away, please." I cry sliding down the tree to the floor.
"Come,come, come." They all say over and over.
"Stop!" I yell putting my hands over my ears.
"Scarlett." Someone says shaking me.
"No, no." I say scared.
"It's Wendy." She says, I snap out of it.
"What are you doing in the woods?" I ask.
"I saw you run out of the hall screaming so I followed you." She says.
"You didn't have to." I tell her.
"Tell her and she's dies." A voice says from the trees, I'm definitely crazy.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"Nothing I'm ok, got a flash back for a bit." I lie.
"I'm sorry. I'm sure they'll understand, come on let's go back." She says helping me up and back to the school. The whole day my dead sisters follow me but this time they don't say much.
I wake up screaming, I look around and I'm alone. My mom is still in Nee York and Max has stuff to do.
"So sad waking up alone sis." Clare says from a chair by the door.
"Go away, please go away." I beg but she doesn't.
"They must not really love you." She says.
"Your not my sister." I say.
"I am, just honest now that I'm dead. But really, mom would take off from anything the whole week if I was just upset but you well you almost die and she's still not here." She says.
"Shut up." I hiss.
"And then there's Max. We were wrong he must not like you. Obviously he has more important things going on then you." She says.
"You don't know anything." I whisper.
"Come on Scarlett when have I been wrong about this stuff?" She says, she never has been. I roll over and try to sleep but it's hard when your crying.
I wake up and there's no ghosts yet, I know better then to get excited. I check my phone and there's no messages not from my mom or Max. I get that he has stuff to do but I care about him and he hasn't called. I look at the floor and there's a trail of glass with blood, I shouldn't but I follow it anyway. There all at the bottom of the stairs, my dad, Taylor, Clare, all dead and covered in blood and glass. They sit up and reach their blood covered hands out, I scream. The door opens and Max walks in, Taylor disappears but my dad and Clare reach for him. Taylor pushes me down the stairs I yell on my way down and smack my head on the coat rack.
"Scarlett! Scarlett? Wake up! Scarlett!" Max yells shaking me, I come to and my head hurts.
"Max?" I ask confused.
"Yeah it's me. Are you ok? I walked in and you were screaming, then tried to walk and tripped." He says helping me up.
"I'm going crazy." I say crying.
"Your not crazy." He tells me.
"I am. I can't stop seeing them. I'm going crazy." I say sliding to the floor again. His phone rings, and he answers it.
"I'm kinda in the middle of something, no. I don't think-I can't just-fine I'll be there in a few." He says hanging up, he bends down next to me.
"I have to go the game for a guy who broke his wrist. Your not crazy." He says kissing my head and he stops at the door and looks at me. "I'm sorry I gotta go." And he leaves, he actually leaves me shaking on the floor.
"See I told you that he didn't love you." Clare says from the top of the steps.
"What do you want from me?" I ask.
"I want you to join us." She says holding out her hand. She's standing next to me saying it over and over and I can't take it so I scream and scream.

The sixth of JuneWhere stories live. Discover now