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*Author's Note*

So I obviously don't own Naruto, and I also do not own the song above, all rights go to the original creators. Thank you- SanaeKami

Sasuke shared a rare smile as Naruto looked at him. Naruto shared his smile, but it was his eyes that broke the illusion. His eyes were full of sadness.



Naruto has had many fond memories with Sasuke. They were friends, after all.

But, were they?

The moment that Naruto saw Sasuke and Sakura together, he felt a pang in his heart.

They were to be married.

But that didn't stop his feelings.

After which, he congratulated the two and decided to take a long walk.

His head was down, and the tears kept falling.

"Why didn't I say something?!?" He screamed out.

They have been through so much together, sure they had fought, but that was over now!

He kept walking, not noticing a figure following close behind.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and saw Sasuke staring at him, dead in the eyes.

"S-S-SASUKE?!?!? What are you doing here?!?" Naruto stammered, jumping in the air, surprised at his appearance.

"I saw your face. Is there something you want to say?" He asked smoothly.

"Oh! Nothing, nothing at all!" Naruto nearly screamed, his eyes betraying him.

Sasuke gave him a skeptical look.

Damn it! He's caught me. Naruto thought to himself.

"Are you sure?" He asked, walking closer to Naruto with each word, slowly backing him into a tree.

"Uh, no! Why are you so close all of a sudden?!?"

Sasuke looked down with cold eyes and leaned into Naruto.

He grabbed Naruto's face and placed his lips on his.

And that was the moment Naruto woke up.


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He was in his own home, laying next to Hinata.

That memory, of our kiss.

He thought as he got ready to leave for work.

But there was no time for feelings that went nowhere.

He hadn't see Sasuke since that night.

Nor had anyone else.

He walked into his office and sat down at his desk, looking at the mountain of paperwork, and sighed.

Hokage wasn't all he dreamed it to be.

Yet, he had gained their respect.

The whole village.

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