🎄 Christmas Special BHNA 🎄

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*Author's Note*
So, this is the second Christmas themed chapter, I have one more planned for an anime I've never written fanfic for before so look forward to that. Art does not belong to me it belongs to the original creator(s.) And I'm sorry that some of the characters might be OOC, I haven't caught up with the anime in a while. Thank you for supporting me so far, -SanaeKami

The day before Christmas break was full of excitement, the students of U.A. were all huddled in their classrooms participating in the age-old tradition of Secret Santa. It was Deku's turn to give his gift. He had gotten Bakugo as the recipient. It was hard to find a gift for him considering they hadn't hung out with each other since childhood and the fact that Bakugo didn't exactly treat him the nicest, but he did manage to find something. And he couldn't help but think back on how he found it.


Deku carefully mauvered around the small store as he looked for the gift he would be giving to Bakugo for the class's Secret Santa tradition. He looked at the various odds and ends of Christmas themed items, to no avail. He sighed deeply as he left the store a bell ringing behind him signaling his departure. A few hours later and he was in a small café.

"Hey, is that you Deku?" A girls high voice reached Deku's ears and he turned to see Ochako at the front of the store with Todoroki in tow. She waved and dragged Todoroki with to the small table where Deku sat, drinking a hot chocolate.

"So, are you still looking for a gift?" Ochako guessed looking over at a small piece of paper in front of Deku. He jumped slightly and hid the paper from her view. She smirked and said, "Its for Bakugo right?"

Deku's eyes went to his hot chocolate and he took a small sip, he winced at how cold it was, how long had he been sitting there? He was shaken from his thoughts as Ochako grabbed her hands in his.

"I know you don't exactly have the best relationship with Bakugo, and you probably don't know what to give him, but I have some advice. You should give him something personal. Maybe even something he wouldn't expect." She said with a smile and a tilt of her head.

Todoroki frowned and said, "This might also be the perfect time to ask what you would like for a gift for Secret Santa Midoriya-San."

Deku was dumbfounded. He had no idea that Todoroki had him as his gift recipient for Secret Santa and quickly thought up a suggestion for his gift, "Anything related to heroes I guess? Especially All Might."

"Thank you for that." Response Todoroki with a sense of purpose in his eyes. Ochako smiled at Deku and waved as she and Todoroki left together. Deku smiles inwardly at himself as he now knew exactly what to get Bakugo.

~Time Skip~

It was now the last day of class before break and Deku held his small package in his hands and watched as his classmates gave each other gifts. He had already received Todoroki's, it was a small All Might keychain plush that he soon attached to his school bag. He was now in the process of finding Bakugo. He looked around and asked other classmates where he might be but there was seemingly no hope. That is until the classroom door slammed open and Bakugo marched in with his hands in his pockets. Deku smiled nervously as Bakugo strode towards him. He held out his gift and Bakugo took it gingerly from his hand, a complete contrast to how he normally handled things given to him by Deku. In turn Bakugo held out his gift to Deku who accepted it gratefully. He opened the package to find that it was a small box with a watch inside. He smiled at the gesture and thanked Bakugo. And then Bakugo opened his present. And he gasped slightly, in his hand was a small green picture frame surrounding a picture of the two with their arms around each other, a memory from their past. Bakugo thanked Deku and shockingly wrapped his arms around him. Deku stepped back a little when his eyes landed above him to the doorway. He looked around until he saw Ochako with a small smirk on her lips. He barely turned back around when he felt something on his own lips and realized that Bakugo was kissing him. His eyes fluttered closed and he gently returned the kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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