Day 15- Forest Black.

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I held my phone up in search of service

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I held my phone up in search of service.

No luck.

Just like me to get lost on a camping trip.

"Mom? Dad? Hello?!" I shouted.

Nothing. All I heard was the wind and trees as they rattled and shake.

The sun was almost set and before I know it, it'll be dark. Then I'm really in deep shit.

"Can anyone here me?!! HELLO!"

"Stop shouting!"

"Hello?" I almost twisted my foot spinning around. "Who's there?" I tried my phone again, still no service.

"Please, can you hear me?"

"Yes. I can hear you."

"Where are you? Who are you?"

"Oh Abby. It hasn't been that long has it?"

Realization kicked in. I wasn't talking to a real person. I was talking to myself. I didn't take my meds today. I've been off them for three days, because I let my self run out. I got a refill before we left, but I forgot. I forgot to take them...

"You're not real. Go away."

"But you need me. I know the way back to the campsite."

"You—you do?"

"Hmm. Keep walking north. You're not that far. I'm surprised your family didn't hear you. Maybe, they didn't want to. It probably wouldn't hurt them if they're mental unhinged daughter got lost and never found."

"Shut up." I walked in the direction she told me. I walked for what seemed like 20 minutes until a dim light peeked through the trees.

"The campsite yes!" I ran toward the fire only to stop a few feet away. Wait. This is different. The tent is different and theirs only one. This isn't MY campsite.

"You're right. This campsite belongs to another family. A family who's sleeping safely in their tent. Unbeknownst to them and them alone. A killer lurks outside."

"I didn't kill her. She's in a coma."

"True. But you and I both know she's never waking up. All because of your jealousy. She had something you wanted. And even though she's in a coma she still has HIM. You were treated so bad when you returned to school, our poor mom and to hire you a homeschool teacher. And we both know your parents didn't really have the money for that. Don't we?"

I smiled, "I don't regret it. She deserved it."

"You're right. She did. So do this woman and man."


"This man and woman are together and he is married. But, that's not his wife. No, his wife is home alone with their soon and their unborn daughter. They deserve to be punish... so punish them."

Quietly I snuck up in front of the tent and screams filled the air as I closed myself inside.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now