Day 12- Eat Meat.

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I've been out here for five hours

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I've been out here for five hours. No ones going to pass by and I'm—I'm starving. I did something a few months ago that I deeply regret. Let's just say, it made me vegan. I've been on the road ever since. Fruits and vegetables can no longer curve my appetite.

I must EAT MEAT.

The bright lights blinded me, I didn't care. You t was a car. Finally a car. Well, a truck. Big truck. It stopped before me and rolled down the passenger's window.

A guy in his late 40s smiled at me. "Good evening darling. What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here so late?"

"I just need a ride into a town any town. I need to rest."

"No problem. Hope in."

I climbed up and slammed the door.

The man was pretty chatty when it was clear I wasn't.

"How old are you?"


"Hmm. Figured you were younger."

I made a face of disgust at his disappointment.

"Why you hitchhiking?"

"Why do most teenagers hitchhike?"

"So, running away from your problems?"

"I'm definitely running away from something." My stomach growled as I clutched it.

"If you're hungry. I can make a stop."

"No, I'm fine."

That was a lie. I was far from fine. My hunger was quickly consuming me. There's only one way to satisfy it now.

"What exactly are you running from?"

I shrug, "My mistakes. The cops."

His grip tightened in the steering wheel. "The cops?"

"Yeah. I was a little... naughty."

Trying to relax him worked. He looked at me and smiled, "Really? What'd you do? Burglary? Theft?"

"How about you pull over and I'll show you."

He turned down a dark road excited. "Let's make this quick. I have to deliver my load by sunrise."

He unbuttoned his pants, but as he turned to me he was horrified. My hunger took over. I was unrecognizable.

I licked my lips, "MEAT."

He screamed as I bit into his neck and blood splattered the windshield.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now