Day 4- The Death of a Babysitter.

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The rain poured heavily on my window

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The rain poured heavily on my window. I always loved it when it rained. It calmed me... it centered me. Now was does a 11 year old need to be centered. Well I guess you can say I've had a troubling past.

"Monica. The babysitter's here. Come down and say hello."

"Yes mother."

I have a new babysitter every week. My mom either doesn't like them or they don't like me.

"Monica this is Hollie. Hollie this is my daughter Monica."

"Hi kiddo!" She smiled at me weird like in an anime where their mouths are spread wide, but their eyes are shut closed.

"Hi." I said with a lot less enthusiasm than her.

Her smiled didn't fade though. "Don't worry Mrs. Baker we're going to have a blast."
My mom kissed me on my forehead before walking out, "I'll be home in two hours."

As soon as my mom pulled out of the driveway, Hollie turned to me with a different smile plastered on her face. The bubbly blonde was gone. "Listen brat, my boyfriend Daniel will be over in a few minutes. You're going to eat your food and then go to bed. Got it?"

Wow. How fake of her.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." I ate my leftover roast beef and took a bath. I could hear giggling downstairs. Daniel must be here. I took a peek downstairs as I sat on the top steps.

"I can't believe you're babysitting the Baker kid."

"Hey. Her mom couldn't find someone to babysit so she started to charge double. There's no way I'll pass up that money."

"You're not freaked." He looked around nervously.

She laughed at him, "No.l, but apparently you are. Relax babe, she's just a kid."

"Yeah a kid who helped her psychotic dad kill five people."

Hollie shrugs, "I think he warped her mind. Children are easily influenced."

"My God, you're such a therapist."

"One day."

"What do you think her father made her do? There wasn't much in the news about her part in the murders."

"Because she's a child Daniel. She may have mental problems, but her dad's the real psycho. I hope he burns in hell for what he did to those people."

I gripped the railing, my hand turning red. I yawned as I walked downstairs. When they say me they sat up.

"Kid, what are you doing up?"

"I had a bad dream. Can you tuck me back in?"

Daniel laughed.

"Aren't you a little too old for that?"


Hollie huffed, "Fine. Let's go." She followed me back up to my room. She tucked the sheets poorly. She calls this tucked?

"Can I tell you a bedtime story?"

She cocks her head, "Wouldn't I normally be the one to tell the story?"

"But I have a really good one."

"Sure. Make it quick."

"There once was a Princess who lived with her parents the Queen and King. The King was quickly labeled an unfair ruler. But the Princess saw the true good in him. As he did in her. He was her protector and no matter what she did, he'd protect her till the end. One day, the King accidentally killed one of his men. The Princess witness this and a darkness grew inside her. The Princess looked up to her dad, she wanted to be just like him. So she was. She killed the men's children, she killed the men's wife, she killed the men's mother all with a single knife. Truth is no one really knows how many the Princess has truly killed, expect her father of course. But he'll never tell, for he is in jail. For crimes committed by his Princess."

Hollie looked at me completely mortified.

I smiled her anime smile, "You really shouldn't have said all those horrible things about my dad."


"Sorry? I'm not." I jammed the knife I held in my other hand into her stomach. She fell to the floor holding her stomach and choking on her blood.

"You were right Hollie. I'm having a blast."

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now