Day 29- Together Forever.

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We aren't that serious

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We aren't that serious. Just tell him you aren't that serious. I mean you two weren't that serious. So you went on a couple of dates. So what? He's not your boyfriend. We've never established a relationship status. We... we were just hanging out. Tell him that. He'll understand.

He won't get mad.

"Hey Matt."

Matt walked up to me and kissed me after school. "We still going to the movies tonight?"

"Umm, actually can you meet me by my car? I want to talk."

"What about?"

"Just meet me, okay?" I kissed him on the cheek catching the door before it closed.

"You're breaking up with Matt?!"

"He's going to kill you. They'll find your body burnt to ashes in a barrel outside his house."

One of my best friends hits the other.

"What?! You know I'm right. We warned you not to go out with him! There are bad boys and then there are psychotic boys. You got the latter."

"We're not even in a relationship. We went on a couple of dates. That's all."

"Why are you breaking up with him?"

"I kind of started seeing someone else?"

They gasped. "It's Kellen, isn't it?"

"Totally Kellen."

"I don't want to talk about it. I just think it's the right thing to do. End things with Matt before I take it further with Kellen."

We got closer to the parking lot and we dispersed.

"Good luck."

"Don't die."

"Gee thanks."

"Hey." He smiles and kisses me.

I dodged it and his lips grazed my cheek. "Hi."

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Me... and you."

He nods, "I thought that was what this was about. Look, I know we haven't exactly established our relationship. I'd like to change that. I would like to officially ask you to be my girl."

"Oh God." I mumbled.


"That's the opposite of what I want."

"The opposite—

"I think we should end things." I blurted.

"What! Why?"

"It's just not what I thought it was. I'm sorry."


"Excuse me?"


"No? You did not just say that!"

"You're seeing Kellen, aren't?"

"No I'm not. I mean yeah we're kind of hanging out, but we're not together. Neither are you and I. We never were."

"But you'd like to be with him more than me, is that it?"

"I'm sorry." Repeating myself isn't going to help.

"Not yet."

"What the hell does that mean?"

Matt walks away without giving me an answer.

"He said that?"

"I told you."

I lay in bed talking to the only two people who know the extensive details of my very short yet very long relationship with Matt. My best friends.

"I didn't think he'd say no. Like he had a choice in the matter."

"You knew he wasn't a good guy when you started crushing on him. Remember what happened to his last girlfriend?"

"He beat her ass."

"He's never touched me. Not in a bad way. Plus it was never proven he hit her. She later retracted her statement."

"Probably because he threatened her."

"Guys, can we please change the subject. Matt and I are over. End of discussion."

"Fine. Let's talk about Courtney's Halloween party this weekend. Are we going?"

"Woah guys."


"I hear sirens outside the house."

"You live across from Kellen right?"

"Yeah. That's how I found out you guys remember?" "They're at his house. Two cop cars and an ambulance."

"Go outside and see what's going on!"

"I'm already down the stairs."

"Excuse me? Do you know what happened?"

"The Grayson's boy was shot."

"What?!?" We all yelled together.

"I didn't hear a shot!"

"Boy must have had one of those silent guns. Shot him in the head. He died instantly."

I dropped the phone trembling as it lit up on the floor with an incoming text message.

"Together Forever.🖤💀"

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now