1. A Father and His Son

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Across Tamriel there has been numerous tales of good and evil, dragonborns' and dragons; However few know about the joys and sorrows of "The Silver Shot Archer." A great man through and through, but also a man bent on revenge and hatred. Before this, however he started as a boy not knowing the bow inside and out of a mammoth's snout. He lived in a small homely shack outside that of Rorikstead with the name of Jax Dior.

Jax was a normal kid like that of all other Rorikstead children but had an passion to learn an art forbidden by his father Lud. He had dreams of becoming a great Mage fighting the very undead and ridding Skyrim of all its evilish sin. He might even become the Arch Mage of Winterhold, a quaint capital
often destroyed by the local mages "accidentally." Winterhold lies north west of Rorikstead across the snowy mountains of the north.

Jax's mother used to read him bed time stories quite often about such mages in his dreams. From destruction mages to illusionists, he heard tons from his mom and even received a basic restoration spell book for his 6th birthday. Being an imperial it wasn't guarantied that he would actually learn the basic spell taught throughout the book. Despite this, Jax made it his goal to learn the basic spell.

For 2 months he studied the book, memorizing the theory, hand position, even basic words that could help him remember what to think about when producing the basic minor healing spell. Part of the process was to name the spell so he knew what spells were what. What to name it he always thought every time he studied. His days were spent studying and learning till one day he memorized it. The entire book was now in his memory.

3 months into his study he began to practice or at least try to. In the book it recommended he cut a small gash in his arm to practice. Self mutilation was frowned upon, however, it was for the purposes of his ability to learn the spell. Grabbing a small paring knife, he cut a small wound in his small arm. Bleeding, he held his hand as if trying to hold a ball and began to think about healing his wound. Nothing was working and he failed to heal. Discouraged he found a cloth and began applying pressure on his still bleeding arm. This lasted for weeks with scars littering his arm it was painful but for the greater good.
Not even a spark came out of his hands.

Slowly Jax became more obsessed with magic and wanted to know more and more. His mom even noticed his obsession but supported it to the endless Oblivion, where the deadra run rampet and ties to Tamriel severed after The Oblivion Crisis in the third era. Weeks had passed and with no luck he got desperate.

He began to research ways of learning magic or "extra help" so he could use this basic spell. He went door to
Door asking people for help or books on the subject. Many people said it was dumb for him to pursue his magic dreams while others said there was no other way. What was he to do? With little help he went to the local inn where he could met folk who are not from Rorikstead. Walking in he noticed a strange fellow who seemed to be an elf, but was cloaked with sharp features and a strange symbol representing the magic school of conjuration on his cloak. Maybe he knew? Stumbling due to fear he sat next to the man.
"Excuse me," Jax stumbled for words and began to studder shaking from fear.

"Oh, hello there youngin'. What can I do for ya," the man cheerfully asked in a lower but pitchy voice. He seemed definitely an elf, a dunmer at that, but he had a strange red tattoo. Which was a curious feature.

"Is that the mark of conjuration and if so is there an easy way to learn magic," Jax asked beginning to feel nosey. Jax began to wish he didn't ask for he knew this man was a stranger.

"Ah yes tis is a mark associated with conjuration however I wear it as symbol of something greater. Reminds me of home. Also in terms of your question, yes there is a simple way to learn magic. You are actually the one I came here for of course to help you, after all you did call for me," the man began to joyfully explain,"The name's Oke'ra by the way and if you wish to learn easy, meet me at the bottom of the mountain near your home at 11:30 tonight. Think it through though."

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