Chapter 6: Anger and Aliens

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Everyone turned to face Kent as he said those words.

"Are any of his minions with him?" I asked.

"No, just him," said Kent, "You should take care of him. Don't worry; we'll behave ourselves while you're gone."

"Alright, I trust you. I'll be right back," I told him, and got up from my seat to deal with the alien.

He was in the center of the atrium near the fountain, apparently waiting for me, and armed with a ray gun. He didn't see me, so I quickly snuck through the lobby and into the manager's suite to get the Super Drencher. I filled it up and went back to the atrium, this time making my presence known to Xizzle.

"Alright, let's get this over with," I told him, "You here to try and take over like usual?"

"Correct you may be, human Alessa," Xizzle responded, "But I am also here for purpose otherwise."

"And what purpose would that be?" I crossed my arms, gun still in hand.

"Stupid are you to think I would say," Xizzle said, and left the atrium while zapping people on the way out. I noticed there were different settings on the gun. He was currently using the sadness setting, so the damage was easily reparable.

I cheered up the people he zapped while trying to figure out what else he was here for. He came back in eventually and made to zap me, but I was quicker and sprayed him with my water gun. Yelling in pain, he did manage to zap me before retreating. Before he disappeared I saw him holding a bunch of fuel rods.

He better not have pilfered the hotel's power supply!

But the power wasn't going out, so he probably found them somewhere else. I felt the effects of the gun working as my mood started to go south. I knew it was just the gun, but it felt exactly how it would if it were happening naturally.

I also noticed the effects brought back a person's most sad and painful memories, because that's what it was doing to me now. In my head, I was reliving the events of last month with my ex-boyfriend. Finding out he'd cheated on me with her...getting into a fight with him...the breakup...

I was trying to fight back. No, Alessa! You are over him, we've been through this! I tried to scold myself. But the tears still spilled over, and the heartbreaking sadness washed over me in rapid waves.

More people were coming out of the Sax lounge to see what was going on, and they were chattering away anxiously about Xizzle. Tristan was among them. He was trying to calm some people down, and it was working to some degree.

But he immediately turned his attention to me when he heard me speak barely above a whisper, "He left me..."

"What?" he asked, coming over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder in concern, "What do you mean, Alessa? Who left you?"

I didn't answer his question directly. "He cheated on me with...with that bitch..."

"What did Xizzle do?"

"He must have hit her with his ray gun," Misty answered for me, "with the 'sadness' setting. Like he did to us."

I couldn't help but dissolve into sobs, falling to the ground and bringing my knees to my chest. Tristan sat down next to me and brought me closer to him, embracing me in a comforting manner. I found myself pouring my heart out to Tristan, telling him all that happened. It felt better to get it off my chest than to keep it bottle up inside any more. I managed to calm down eventually, with the help of Tristan.

I picked myself up and wiped away my tears, trying to steady my breathing now that I was calmer. The effects of the gun were wearing off, finally, and I felt better now than I did before.

The karaoke night was over at this point. Since everyone had gone back to their respective places of residence, be it hotel rooms or the Saloon rooms or whatever, I got a call from Ara saying I needed to get her food.

I was on my way over to the Saloon to get her a burger and fries when Penelope Redd stopped me outside. "Just a moment, Alessa. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"No. It's fine," I replied.

"I don't know if you're aware of this, but according to my investigations, I have determined that Frankie Fusilli is up to something funny. Thoughts?"

"I agree," I said, "He's been making me do things like getting metal bars for him and building a vault and giving him money. He also tricked me into giving Mayor Jackson a cow head stuffed with an explosive that set his office on fire."

"I see," said Penelope, writing all of that down. "I know you've been in close contact with him for some time, obviously, so what I'd like you to do is wear a wire for a while. The next time you see Mr. Fusilli mad, talk to him. Calm him down while getting information from him. Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can," I responded, and she put the wire on me.

"We'll be listening hoping he says something stupid. Just one little slip and he's ours. Thank you for this, Alessa."

"No problem at all," I told her, and grabbed the food for Ara before going back to the hotel to give it to her, and then to deal with her father. Once I gave Ara her meal, I heard some noise from the floor above. I went up to the penthouse to see if he was ticked, and by his yell of, "Get out of my face! I don't want to see nobody! Not right now!" I could tell he was definitely ticked.

But thankfully, the plan worked. I was able to calm him down enough for him to start talking and reveal everything he'd been up to. "I apologize for that outburst, Alessa, but things are getting a little hot around here. Ever since Jimmy disappeared, I've had this feeling someone is on to me."

"For what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"For what? What do you mean, 'for what'? I've been laundering money in Strangetown since the day I got here. You know, taking stolen money and making it untraceable. What did you think I was doing here? Vacationing? Boy, you aren't the brightest bulb in—"

"FREEZE, FUSILLI! You aren't going anywhere!" I heard Penelope shout from the elevator doorway.

"Actually, I prefer my pasta fresh, not frozen like—" Frankie stopped and panicked immediately, "Gah! It's the FBI! Run!"

He made to leave, but Penelope stopped him. "Halt or I'll shoot you with...with something. Maybe a camera...Dang it, I forgot my Taser gun."

"Oh, forget it!" snapped Frankie, throwing his hands in the air, "I'm tired of running anyway. I need a rest...go on, cuff me. Take me away. My lawyers will have me out in a few days anyway. In the meantime, I could use a little R and R. Oh, and Alessa," he turned to me, "Here's the cash I owe you for my stay. Keep up the good work." He gave me the money, and then let Penelope cuff him and take him out of the hotel. She thanked me before she left.

Thank God Frankie Fusilli was out of the picture now.

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