Chapter 12: Enter Lord Mole

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"Great sprung sprockets, Alessa, your hotel hasn't got satellite television! What kind of shabby operation are you running?"

That was what Alfred asked me the next time I ran into him. This was getting ridiculous. Something needed to be done soon, but I didn't know what to do about the stupid modulator. I didn't know how it worked, or how to adjust it or...or anything.

"I'll take care of this myself, if you don't mind. I'll be out by the pool so don't bother me for awhile, OK?"

"Wouldn't dream of it," I replied, allowing him to go set up a satellite dish on the sun deck. I had to admit, the guests would probably appreciate a good bit of satellite TV, but Alfred didn't need to be so rude about it. As I was filling the brochure rack in the hotel lobby, he summoned me yet again.

"How can I help you, Alfred?" I sighed when I got up to the penthouse.

"Holy hairy earthworms!" exclaimed Alfred,"Your hotel is infested with mole-creatures! Head out to the pool and see for yourself. Every dang time I try to set up the satellite this ugly mammalian fur ball chews up the cables! I WANT TO WATCH TELEVISION! So get rid of this...this...this THING!"

"Okay, fine, but you really need to calm down," I told him, finally having enough, "If you keep treating people in the hotel this way, I'll have to evict you. Am I making myself clear?"

"Sure, sure, whatever."

On the sun deck, I found what Alfred had described as a mole-creature gnawing on the wires of the large satellite dish near the pool. He was half-mole and half-human with black hair and a golden crown atop his head. I carefully approached him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Can't talk. Chewing."

"Yeah, that's kind of why I'm here," I said, "I'm going to have to get you to stop chewing those—"

"BUZZ OFF. Can't you see I'm trying to save your hotel?" He snapped, and resumed chewing away.

"I really didn't want to have to do this," I muttered, getting out my water gun, "but I have no choice." I then sprayed him a bit to get my message across.

He instantly stopped, turned around and glared at me. "You heard what I said, manager. But if that's the way you want to play, I'll let that crazy robot get away with his scheme. Just don't come crying to me when things get bad."

"Look, I know why he's acting up like this," I explained, "but I don't know how to fix it. So until I find a way, I'm trying to keep from pissing him off. Does that make sense?"

He seemed to calm down a little bit, but he still just walked away without a word. "Sorry about the water," I called to him before going to report to Alfred.

"Is that little bugger gone?"

"Yes, he is."

"Excellent! That animal was on the verge of ruining all my DEVIOUS watch television. I must return to my work!"

Devious plans. His heuristic data modulator must have been really screwed up for him to have become evil like this. I needed to get him out of the hotel before things got worse. If I couldn't help him, then at least I could protect the other people in the hotel from his antics if they got out of hand. Xizzle was one thing. Alfred was another.

I immediately went down to Cory's desk to talk to him about all of that, when a voice suddenly rang out from in front of the elevator doors. "IT HAS BEGUN! The time of the ROBOTS is NIGH!"

Mamma Hogg looked fearful. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Help! Help! Insane domestic cleaning robots have invaded the city! Help! Oh, where is the Ratticator when we need a hero? Where oh where?"

The Ratticator...this would be the first time I got to take on my new role as the town hero. I'd explored the rat cave in between all my running around, of course, but that was all. This would be interesting, to say the least.

I rushed down to the Rat Cave to change into my costume and then hurried to the town square, where the robots awaited their defeat by my hand—although they didn't know it yet.

I learned through practice how to scare, stun and finally capture an enemy with what was called the 'Ratarang'. I had a feeling that when Tristan came up with the Ratticator thing, he was parodying Batman.Somehow, I was able to take all three of the robots down eventually, though it did take me a few tries and I did get hurt in the process.

Once I changed back and met up with Mamma Hogg again, the news had already spread about the Ratticator's 'return' at an alarming rate. "The Ratticator did it again! She...or he...saved the day!"

"Hey, you!" Alfred's voice sounded again, "What's the deal?! Who's been messing with my robot sidekicks? And what's this I hear about a human RAT? Come ON! You arrogant fleshbags. Don't you understand the superiority of silicon-based life? By taking over your planet and subjugating you we're doing you a FAVOUR! BAH! Suit yourself. I've still got my antenna! And where there's an antenna, there's a...a robot. Now stay away from me or suffer the consequences!"

He then stormed into the elevator, presumably to make his way into the penthouse. I tried to follow him, but I discovered the elevator would not go up to the penthouse anymore. Alfred must have screwed with it somehow.

"Damn it!" I was pissed now. I should have approached Cory when I had the chance!

As I headed back down the stairs, I saw something I would never forget: Emperor Xizzle floating through the doors of the hotel not to fight, but to talk.

"Human manager, HALT!" he addressed me immediately,"It is a speaking you and I must obtain. For time that has been long, we and you peoples have at war been. But change must it to be satisfying. A fresh menace is bad on the horizon. A robot evil thing! His clever antenna and surly craft robots are the annoyance."

"Is he screwing with you guys now, too?" I crossed my arms.

"His antenna have been to prevent my communication with homeland. By the lord Zixxleberk I will crush all robot things. Can you be gotten to helping we? Can you find antenna blueprint somewhere and to me bring it? Yes, thank you, goodbye," he explained, then began to leave without awaiting my answer.

"Wait a minute," I called.

"Instructions by me are they not glass clear? I say for you: Get antenna blueprints and bring to me."

"Your instructions were perfectly clear, Xizzle," I said, "I want to ask for your help. I don't know enough about technology and mechanics to break into the penthouse or any of that shit. So I was hoping you could help me figure it out."

Xizzle seemed to consider my request a moment before finally agreeing. "I will do as you ask."

"One more thing," I said.

"What is this thing?"

"Call me Alessa."

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