Chapter 17: Peace and Alliances

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The day of the meeting finally came. We'd decided to meet in the City Hall since that seemed to make the most sense, so a large table was set up in the main room. I was there early since I had to finish up a few other things in the building anyway, and because I wanted to be present when everyone else arrived. 

Tristan was the first to arrive, and the one other person from Strangetown who would be present was the man who was responsible for giving the building permits in this town, named Craig. When Xizzle and Burple arrived, they introduced the blue alien they'd brought with them, named Dripple. I'd only ever met Dripple during alien invasions, so it was nice to get to meet him on more friendly terms.

"You have also met Keeble and Zimmer before," added Xizzle as everyone sat down to begin the meeting. "I did not bring them today, however."

I nodded, "I noticed. Either way, I'm glad the three of you could make it here today. I assume everyone knows why we're here?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good," I said, "That saves us a bit of time, then. We should discuss the terms of the negotiation, since I'm sure we've all come up with some. To start with, ours are pretty simple: If you'll agree to stop trying to take us over and attacking us, we'll stop going after you in turn."

"That is sounding reasonable," responded Xizzle, "Anything else?"

"Other than clarifying that you guys can visit whenever you like as long as your intentions are non-hostile, nope," I said, "That's pretty much it from me. Tristan and Craig, anything you'd like to add?"

"Nothing from me," said Craig, "Any time the aliens have come to Strangetown even to invade it, I've largely been left alone, in all honesty."

"I think you've pretty much covered the important stuff, Alessa," added Tristan, "at least on our end. What suggestions were you planning on bringing to the table?" he asked Xizzle, "You must have something."

"Agreement will be to Alessa's terms," Xizzle said, "We is allowed residence on Earth, yes?"

I nodded. "I can't see that being a problem. On that note, if anyone from your planet decides they'd like to live on Earth, they would have the same rights and responsibilities as any human would."

Xizzle's facial expression told me he liked the sound of that. And since no one had any complaints, all that was left to do was write out the contract and have everyone sign it. Both were easy to take care of, as the office had both a computer and a printer. The aliens stayed to hel us write it out, since there were times we needed to be more specific on what would violate the terms and what wouldn't. The process took over an hour, but nevertheless went very smoothly.

I think it's safe to say that both parties were very happy when everything was finally done. There would be no more fighting between us. There would finally be peace.

Michael was very pleased when he heard about how this whole thing went. He congratulated me enthusiastically, saying that I was the best thing to happen to Strangetown. I was very flattered by this, to say the least. I was also glad he'd given me the information to contact him; he was a good person to be able to talk to.

To ensure that everyone in Strangetown was aware of what was going on, I made a public announcement the following day. I didn't want anyone freaking out if they happened to spot an alien or two wandering around. Xizzle did the same on his planet, so as far as I knew, there wouldn't be any hostility to worry about from either of our people. 

On an unrelated note, one night as I was refilling the brochure rack in the hotel lobby, Dusty Hogg approached me. "Hey, Alessa, a few of us were wondering," he said, "if you wanted to head over to the Saloon and hang out for awhile tomorrow night. I know you've been pretty busy lately and everything, and I think you deserve some time off, y'know?"

I smiled. "I'd love to," I replied, "Thanks for offering, Dusty. Who else is going to be there?"

Dusty shrugged. "Tristan, Misty, Kayleigh and Ara, for starters. A few others might pop in, too, but those four will be there for sure."

"Sounds good," I said, and he wished me a good night before heading up to his hotel room. I was looking forward to tomorrow now, and Dusty was right--I really needed a break after everything. The next morning, I took my time in getting ready for the day. I didn't have much that needed doing, anyway, so I felt no need to rush for once. 

The day seemed to breeze past, with 8:30 being the time I was supposed to walk over to the Saloon and meet the others. 

When 8:30 rolled around I made my way over there, in a purple dress and matching flats, my hair tied back into a bun. As Dusty had said, Tristan, Ara, Kayleigh and Misty were already there waiting. Dusty himself had yet to arrive, and I suspected he was trying to convince Giuseppi to join us as well. I was a bit surprised to see Luthor there, but then again he was dating Misty, so maybe it wasn't so shocking after all.

"Hey, there, Alessa!" Tristan called, making his way over to me with two Sarsaparillas in hand. "Glad you could join us. Here," he handed one to me.

I took it. "Me, too. Trust me, I needed the break. How's everyone doing?"

"Well, I can't speak for everyone else, but I know I'm doing pretty well," Tristan replied with a grin. "I actually have some news, if you don't mind my saying so."

"Why would I mind?" I asked with a chuckle, "You worry too much, Tristan. What's your news?"

Rather than answer right away, Tristan gestured for Ara to come join us. When she did, he wrapped an arm around her. "It's about Ara and I," he began, and I immediately knew where this was going.

"Congratulations," I told him before he could continue, "You two are together, right?"

"Yeah," replied Ara, "Since a couple of days ago, actually."

I smiled. "I'm really happy for you guys. Seriously, you two seem like you'd make a good couple." This was the truth. I was overjoyed to see my two closest friends together, and I had no negative feelings toward Tristan whatsoever. Hell, I was the one who'd broken things off with him before they'd even started, so it wasn't like I had any reason to be upset to begin with. 

"Hey, guys, guess what?" Dusty's voice stood out above the others' as he finally burst through the door, "I found some Queen CDs!"

At that announcement, everyone cheered and Dusty slid a CD into the music player. We were all pretty big fans of Queen. My personal favourite songs by them were 'Killer Queen' and 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. 

As 'Don't Stop Me Now' played over the speakers, everyone started dancing and those of us who knew the lyrics sang along through the entire thing. As the night went on, more people arrived. And since practically no one was at the hotel, Cory decided to stop in for a few minutes as well, followed by Craig and some of the other hotel staff. Overall, it was a really fun night, and it was a perfect way to celebrate the peace that had finally come to Strangetown.

The peace that was here to stay.

The End.

A/N: Honestly, guys, this is where I feel I should end it. I had more planned, but I've lost the motivation to follow through with those ideas and besides, this is a good stopping point, I think.

If you guys want to see what I was originally going to do, I might consider doing a sequel if it's requested enough. Until then, I hope you all enjoyed A Strange Town, Indeed!

--ouatfan, April of 2020

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