Getting help from mom sometimes is not that good

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Josie POV
We both came into the hallway then suddenly I felt that Penelope is leaving my hand

Josie: Turtle why are you leaving my hand??
Penelope: Jojo I thought you must be not comfortable holding my hand in public.
Josie: Turtle you're so cute but you're so wrong. I just want to hold your hand anywhere I want to.
Penelope: Jojo can I ask you something??
Josie: Yes Turtle what is it??
Penelope: Can you come to a date with me??
Josie: Yeah turtle what should I wear??
Penelope: Whatever you are comfortable with.
Josie: Okay. Where should I meet you??
Penelope: At the theatre.
Josie: Come to house to pick up me, I want to introduce you to my family.
Penelope: But Mr. and Mrs. Saltzman know me
Josie: They know you as a Penelope Park their student but I want them to know you as Josie's girl friend Turtle.

As soon as I said it I know she is blushing but when I saw her she is so red and her mouth is open so I took it as a great opportunity and thought of playing with her

Josie: After introducing you I have to tell them that I am thinking of planning on staying with you tonight.
Penelope: What?? No?? I mean yes?? But not today. Please.

She asked me with her puppy eyes I gave up and said

Josie: Okay whenever you are comfortable but I will tell them you are my friend and we are going out for a movie and you're coming to pick me up.
Penelope: Thank you Jojo. I will meet you later.

She said that and went to her class and next class is common for both of us and I am so excited to sit beside her and talk about our project and also I will get a chance to flirt with her, OMG I am so whipped. But what can I do she is so cute and I don't know why but whenever she is blushing I feel so happy because I know that is because of me and I am the only one whom around she is like that by the way she came to the class now. My god she is looking hot and sexy(you guys can't think about her like that it's only for me). yeah I know what you guys are thinking that I am possessive. Yeah I am but just because she is mine.

Penelope: Jojo What are you thinking??
Josie: Just about kissing you.
Penelope: Not here Jojo class is about to start so concentrate on project.
Josie: Turtle you're so pink.

She haven't said anything but then professor came in and started asking about projects then we discussed it and completed it. As the class is completed then all are going out. Penelope got up from the seat started to go out then I grabbed her and kissed her

Penelope: Jojo What are you doing??
Josie: Turtle come on let's go.  You won't change.
Penelope: Sorry Jojo I haven't got over that you're with me.

I know that and I know she is very nervous for our first date as well but have to make it cool atleast from my side.

In the evening at the house

I called Lizzie but she haven't answered my call so I asked my mom for the help and she said she will come. Here I am waiting for her now within no time she came and asked

Caroline: Jo did someone came to your room and did this mess??
Josie: No mom today I am going on a date with Penelope.
Caroline: When did this happened?? Who asked whom on a date?? And did she come to our house that day to spend time with you or else there was really a project work??
Josie: That day there was a project work but after that things happened and I myself asked her on a date today in the morning.
Caroline: Cool. Now let's talk about yourself.
Josie: Okay What does that mean??
Caroline: Are you clean under there and legs??
Josie: Mom gross but yeah I am clean.
Caroline: Good. Where are you guys going??
Josie: To the movie. The notebook.
Caroline: Did she okay with that?? Whatever you guys are allowed to meet here but if you're doing things then keep it down.
Josie: Mom thank you for that but which would be the good dress to wear??
Caroline: Don't wear sweats. Other than that show me your dresses and I will select one.
Josie: okay

I tried four to five dresses then selected one dress and I got ready then I got a message from Penelope that she is out waiting for me then we both came down and then I saw Lizzie coming in then I asked her

Josie: I am going out will meet you afterwards.
Alaric: where are you going??

Then mom came and said

Caroline: She is going on a date with Penelope.
Josie: Thank you Mom.
Alaric: Okay go ahead and have a good date.
Lizzie: Congratulations have a good date.

She said that and came hugged me and said please don't tell mom and dad about me and hope. I will tell them when I am ready then I said okay and came out( both from the closet and home).

Thank you guys for reading and if you like this chapter then vote for it and share with your friends and once again thank you for reading.

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