Chap 3

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"Short bowel syndrome is a problem that occurs.....," Pha stopped his teaching and focused on Beam, who was daydreaming.

"Beam, focus here when I'm explaining, na," nagged Pha.

"Ai'Pha, professor aunty is going to explain this again in few minutes. Why the hell are you preview early and make my life miserable!!!" Beam complained as he stomped his feet in disbelieve.

"Guys, let's get this over, na. I'm already tired and sleepy," added Kit as he controlled his yawn for the umpteen time today.

"Kit, don't support him. I still wonder why we followed him into medicine. Pha is unfair to me," whined Beam to Kit who was ignoring their quarrel as usual.

Beam kept on grumbling about the subjects and how understanding them consumes all of his energy and free time.

"Guys, I have an announcement to make. Since our professor is having an emergency meeting with the dean right now, the class got canceled. But she has left paper works for us. So collect it at the front when you leave the class," announced the class representative.

"God....thank you" Beam did a dramatic praying signal.

"Then, I'm leaving first. See you guys later," said Beam as he puts away all of his belongings into his bag and prepared to leave the class.

"Oi! Where do you think you're going?" asked Phana as he holds back Beam from leaving the class before he explains the topic.

"I need my energy boost from my boyfriend, so bye, or you guys want to follow me," asked Beam innocently as he blinked his eyes at them.

Pha and Kit shake their head in disbelieve at their friend's sudden change of mood. Somehow they knew that they would meet Forth at the engineering faculty, no matter what they choose. Therefore, they just followed Beam without any protest.


(Author note: Yo saved Ming's number as Ai'ba Ming while Ming saved Wayo's number as Asshole Yo)

Ai'ba Ming: Yo, give me one good reason why I shouldn't flip this table and gave that annoying senior a high five in the face with my bag.😤

Asshole Yo:...........(seen)

Ai'ba Ming: Yo, I know you're free now, reply to me,😑

Asshole Yo:............(seen)

Ai'ba Ming: Yo!!!!!!

Asshole Yo: Ming, take a deep breath and ignore him. He doesn't worth your time. My class is going to be over now, and I'll come to fetch you in half an hour, till then don't you dare to start a fight,😡.

Ai'ba Ming: That's not in my hands

Asshole Yo: 🖕. Just stay put, will you 😡

Ming was chatting with Yo while he was in the stupid sotus, again.

His senior has made them run around the field for ten rounds and do 50 group sit-ups. This meeting felt more like a gym class rather than an orientation activity.

They decided to grab a snack during their break at the nearby stall. Nate didn't join them cause she was so exhausted and too lazy. So the boys promised to grab something for her on the way back.

June was making fun with Thada while walking and accidentally bump into one of the second-year seniors.

He immediately apologized to him, but it seems like the seniors are not in the mood to forgive them. The angry senior pushed June, which caused him to stumble over.

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