Chap 14

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Hi, cupcakes.

Here is the update. I read all the comments. It motivates me to write more.

Do vote and comment.


"Because he reminds me of my P'San. He acts like P'San. His way of handing stuff and treats me reminds me of my late sister, and I don't miss her when I'm with him. He is like P'San to me," exclaimed Ming heatedly.

"Are you stupid or acting like one?" questioned Wayo, hostile as well.


"What?!!" shouted Yo.

"Meng, I have a good senior-junior relationship with P'Kit Kat now. Nobody could understand me more than my sister, and I don't want them to be too. I don't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation due to your blabbering nonsense. P'Kit is someone I don't want to lose, na weh," yelled Ming angrily.

"Shut up and listen to me. You were never good at expressing yourself or even understanding what you felt. P'San was there to guide you all this time. Only P'San could guess what the hell was going on in your head. But, did you realize.

P'San could guess because you will be sulking in the first place while P'Kit could handle and presume your emotions even if you put on a poker face. Even I can't guess it," shouted Wayo.

His stupid friend hears him out if he explains calmly.

Ming was aphonic with the information he just realized.

"Speak up, Ming. Cat got your tongue," yelled Wayo in anger.

Ming was still silent. He couldn't oppose down that.

"You regret not controlling your anger management sooner and not being able to spend more time with P'San. Do you want to regret the same way when you lose P'Kit due to your stupidity?" asked Yo with control and receive a 'no' from Ming.

"Then stop being dumb and think. Will you go and hang on someone's arms just because you like them? Will you share or bring some strangers to dine out? No right? Then please think and sort your feelings towards P'Kit.

Cause from what I observe, it looks like P'Kit has a thing for you too. He's a good person, Ming. I hope you don't hurt him unintentionally. Think about it," said Wayo as he left him alone in the changing room and went to the dinner date he was supposed to have with his P'Pha, who was waiting for him in the car.


Ming packed his stuff and rushed to get his P'Kit Kat even though his head was a total mess due to the conversation he had just now.

Does he see P'Kit Kat as more than just a senior?

Has he developed feelings towards that dimpled guy?

Why does he feel weird and upset, like he has done something wrong?

He looked for P'Kit at the auditorium only to be welcomed by the empty hall. He walked through all the open classrooms and found nothing too. The last option was the car park and taxi stand because he knew P'Kit followed P'Beam today. Ming was his only transportation back home.

But where does this guy went?

Despite searching for him everywhere, he couldn't find him, and he can't get him by the phone too. Ming can't ask P'Beam because he knew he left early with P'Forth just now.

He can't ask P'Pha too. Because he knew P'Pha might be with Wayo and get nagged again.

As time passed by, Ming got worried about the dimple guy.

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