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"You have a busy week ahead of you, Captain Todoroki, don't you!" The general laughs, slapping the man on the shoulder. "Going into space today, then getting married on Sunday!" 

Shouto says nothing, just blinks as an assistant lowers his spacesuit helmet onto his shoulders. He adjusts it so he can see, then lets out a huff. "Yes, very busy. Just hoping everything goes according to plan." 

The assistant giggles from behind him, making sure everything is hooked up properly. "Well, the wedding should be no problem. Momo is so excited, she's been buzzing for the past few months!"

He raises a brow, shuffling a bit. "That sounds like a medical issue.."

"Figure of speech." 

"Ah." He shrugs, grabbing General Yamada's hand and shaking it firmly. "Well, I guess it's time then." 

"Best of luck, Captain!" He grins, practically shoving him into the boarding room. 

Shouto feels nervousness pool in the pit of his stomach, his guts wrenching as he gets ready for take-off. He fidgets with the seat belt, double checking, then triple checking, to make sure it's secure. 

"Relax, Shouto," He hears a voice through his headset. General Aizawa. "Everything will be fine. You keep messing with things, you might break something." 

"Sorry," He coughs, forcing himself to sit back and ease up a bit. But as soon as he hears the countdown for launch begin, he tenses up again.

"Five.. four.." He clenches the seat, swearing he's gonna be sick. 

"Three. Two." His eyes are pressed shut, just waiting for the force of the takeoff.

"One! We have liftoff!"

All at once, everything is moving. The rocket is propelled into the air with such a force that it slams Shouto even deeper into the seat, making it hard for him to breathe.

He reminds himself that it won't last for long, in just a few seconds, the pressure will stop and he'll just be floating in space. Zero gravity, complete peace.

"Captain Todoroki!" 

His eyes fly open. "Y-Yes!" He struggles to respond, finding it hard to move his mouth.

"We have a problem!" 

He feels like he's gonna vomit. "What?" He barely manages to spit out the word.

"It's going down! SS Endeavor is going down!" 

Shouto's heart drops into his stomach as he starts panicking. Great. The one thing everyone had reassured him wouldn't happen.. well, it's happening!

"Shouto!" Captain Aizawa's voice speaks to him once again. "It's going to be alright. Just stay seated, we'll take care of it. We're going to deploy the parachutes, you'll land into the ocean. Regular procedure from there, get the raft and head to shore."

Shouto can't find the words to reply. He doesn't need to, because the captain continues anyways. "There's a GPS in the ship, you should land right off the coast of Russia. There'll be a ship on the way. You won't be out there for long."

"O-Okay-" He manages to choke out, clutching his chest as he feels the spaceship split into several parts - which was supposed to happen anyway. Once they were in orbit, it was just supposed to leave the cabin, and the thruster would detach.

He felt gravity practically shift as the ship started to fall towards Earth again. It felt like it was going faster than the speed of light, and all at once, it stops - then slows. 

"We've deployed the parachutes. You'll hit the water shortly." 

Shouto relaxes, promising himself that it would all work out. Everything was sorting itself out. He looks out the cockpit window, blinking in surprise as the sky was suddenly sea, and the ship lurches. 

"Alright, the ship is in the water!" 

"I can tell," He says a bit sourly, unbuckling. He runs to the back of the small area, digging out the raft and a life jacket. He secures it on himself, then hoists open the door. He throws the raft out as he pulls the plug on the side of it, instantly inflating it. Grabbing his backpack of supplies, he climbs inside and grabs a paddle.

There's land in sight, luckily, so he starts paddling towards it. The minute he touches down, he hops out and digs out his radio. "Hello? General Aizawa? General Yamada?" 

There's just static. He fiddles with the dials, then tries again. "Hello? This is Captain Todoroki, reporting from the SS Endeavor. Anyone there?" 

Nothing. He sighs, dropping his backpack on the sand of the island. He shucks off his helmet and the clunky suit, finding the weather extremely humid anyways. He's supposed to be off the coast of Russia, right? He didn't realize Russia was so warm.

He grabs some driftwood that lays along the shore, beginning to spell out the letters "S.O.S" as big as he can. 

He can tell people have crash landed here before, there's some debris that looks like ship parts lying around. Oh well, it proves useful for him in the moment anyways. 

He works diligently, dragging rubbish and broken parts around the sandy shore to spell out his call for help. Wooden planks, fabric that once might have been a sail, frayed rope, used bottles. Everything he can grab, he uses it. 

He drops a plank of wood down, finally finishing off the last letter. He rolls his eyes as a bottle rolls out of place, hunkering down to pick it up and put it back. 

It rolls out of place yet again, and he raises a brow, stuffing the bottom into the sand to get it to stay in place. 

But it rolls off again, and this time he's had it. He picks up the bottle, ready to pitch it into the sea, till the golden printing on it stops him, his curiosity getting the best of him.

He rubs the dirty bottle with the corner of his shirt, squinting. "De..ku?" He mutters, reading the kanji in confusion.

Suddenly, thick fog surrounds him, pouring out of the bottle. He drops it, backing up- thinking it must be some kind of poisonous gas. A trap?

He covers his mouth with his shirt, waving away the fog while trying not to inhale it. 

As the fog began to clear, he felt like the change in pressure must have gotten to him. Because sitting right there.. was a rather handsome young boy. 

I Dream of Deku [TodoDeku]Where stories live. Discover now